Anonymous ID: dea8c3 Dec. 8, 2018, 11:36 a.m. No.4215876   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5917 >>6206



UN renews demand that “Israel” should abide by resolutions related to occupied Golan

The United Nations (UN) renewed its demand that the Israeli occupation authorities should abide by the resolutions related to the occupied Syrian Golan, particularly resolution No. 497 for the year 1981 which considers its decision to impose its laws, jurisdiction and administration on the occupied Syrian Golan as null and void and without international legal effect. The resolution demanded that the Israeli occupation authorities should immediately cancel the decision on annexing the Golan .


After eight year absence, Christmas tree lit up in Daraa

he Christian denominations in Daraa lit up the Christmas tree and opened the cave of Jesus inside the church of St George in Azra’, marking the Barbra Day and celebrating Christmas after an absence of eight years during the crisis in Syria.

The festivity was organized by the Church of St George, during which the locals in Azra’ recited Christmas carols and lit the Christmas tree with the martyrs’ photos dotting it.


After 4 years of hiatus, al-Sheikh Maskeen power transmission plant in service

Director General of the General Establishment for Electricity, Ghassan al-Zamel, told SANA that this achievement will improve the situation of electricity in the province which, in turn, will reflect positively on all aspects of economic life.


FSA Exposes ‘Sneaky Iranians’ Disguising As Russians To Trick Israel

Colonel Mustafa Bakkor, a spokesman for Jaysh al-Izza, claimed that Iranian forces in northern Hama are raising Russian flags over their positions in order to “protect themselves from Israeli bombardment.”

“All the military positions of the Assad regime in the norther Hama countryside are hosting Iranian militias from the 313 Brigade –Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC)- especially in Halfaya, Khattab’s base, the College of Veterinary Medicine, al-Shalyut, al-Zilaqiyat and Hama airbase,” Bakkor told the Syrian pro-opposition news outlet Enab Baladi on December 8.

Back then, Syrian pro-government activists debunked these claims and said that almost all forces in Syria, including some of the FSA, are using the same uniform. The activists also clarified that the SAA soldiers and officers stopped wearing their patches since late 2011 for security reasons.


Syrian Army Employs Armed Drones Against Turkish-backed Militants In Northwestern Hama

The pro-opposition outlet claimed that the armed drone took off from the Russian Hmeimim airbase in the western governorate of Lattakia. However, experts believe that the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) carried out the attack with a mini drone, which had been modified to carry and drop small-diameter projectiles.


Military Situation In Southeastern Syria On December 8, 2018 (Map Update)


Military Situation In Northwestern Syria On December 8, 2018 (Map Update)

This map provides a general look at the military situation in northwestern Syria:

The US State Department has come with a creative statement accusing the Assad government and the Russians of staging a chemical attack in the city of Aleppo on November 25. According to the State Department, the goal of the attack was to justify an offensive on Idlib. MORE HERE

The Turkish Armed Forces (TAF) have deployed additional armoured vehicles and battle tanks at its observation posts in northern Hama where sporadic clashes between the Syrian Army and militants erupt on a constant basis.


Charities warned that sending aid to Syria's Idlib could be a 'terror offence'

UK regulator tells charities to consider suspending aid via Bab al-Hawa because crossing is controlled by Hayat Tahrir al-Sham

Anonymous ID: dea8c3 Dec. 8, 2018, 11:40 a.m. No.4215910   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5944 >>6117 >>6206 >>6225 >>6322 >>6398



Familiar symbols? Ukraine's president poses with ‘elite’ paratrooper sporting…SS insignia (PHOTOS)


Petro Poroshenko has met the country's elite troops – paratroopers – ahead of their redeployment to bolster the “partial” martial law state. One of the soldiers openly sported an insignia of a Waffen SS division.


“Looking at your hardened, courageous faces, I once again realize nobody will overcome Ukraine. We are ready to protect our land with weapons in hands, to fight for each piece, we will not give it up to anyone,” Poroshenko told the troops while speaking in the region of Zhitomir on Thursday.


The president stood for photos with the servicemen, who were to be redeployed to other, “dangerous” regions of the country to prop up the 30-day period of the so-called “partial” martial law that Poroshenko announced following the Kerch Strait incident.


One of the troopers, standing just a few steps away from Ukraine's president proudly displayed the insignia of the 3rd SS Panzer Division Totenkopf right on his chest. Here he is.

Anonymous ID: dea8c3 Dec. 8, 2018, 11:41 a.m. No.4215926   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6232

Israel lobby has helped make US obsolete by enabling Israel to be a top arms exporter


An arms deal between Israel and Croatia highlights the US overindulgent military aid policy toward Israel. Today, thanks to our generosity, Israel has developed advanced military products, and is winning arms export contracts out from under us


by Kathryn Shihadah

Trump disapproves of Croatia’s shopping spree


The Trump administration is scrambling to block a $500 million arms deal between Israel and Croatia – a deal which would have been a win for the US economy and employment figures, if Israel weren’t in contention.


In Croatia’s shopping cart are 12 surplus U.S.-made F-16 fighter jets, originally purchased from the US with US military aid money. Israel has refurbished and upgraded the jets with “new and sophisticated Israeli made electronic systems” to make them attractive to Croatia. Sticker price: about $500 million.


US officials are “furious” that not only did the US not get the deal, but Israel is selling the equipment without American permission, as required. RT explains, “Arms deals usually have strict rules on the end user, prohibiting the resale, of the weapons delivered, to a third party.”


Croatian officials insist that the arms sale is moving ahead without a hitch.


Assuming the sale to Croatia goes forward, US industry will have lost jobs and a sizable improvement in its balance sheet.

How did Israel become our rival?


Standard practice for military aid to other countries requires that it be used to purchase arms from the US, but of the $3+ billion the US gives every year to Israel, 26.3% can be spent in Israel “to purchase home-grown equipment.”


According to Congressional Research Service, “no other recipient of U.S. military assistance has been granted this benefit.” This “offshore procurement,” plus other fine-print allowances, amounts to an infusion of around $1.2 billion per year of US aid into Israel’s domestic budget (40% of the aid to Israel) rather than back into US coffers.


No doubt this boost to the Israeli economy, plus all the other financial perks from the US – both government and private – contributed to Israel’s ability to invest in high-tech arms and software development.


Arms are now the basis for Israel’s relationship with a number of countries, including India, European countries, North America, Africa (for example, Chad), and Latin America.


Israel’s offerings in the military sector include high-tech spyware; Edward Snowden believes Israeli spyware was used to help track the dissident Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi, who was subsequently murdered.


In 2017 alone, Israel’s military exports totaled $9.2 billion – a 40% increase over 2016 – sales for which the US was competing, sales which would have helped the American economy considerably.


Congress’ extravagant spending on Israeli military aid, which peace- and justice-loving Americans have protested for decades, is coming home to roost.


Our beneficiary is putting us out of business.

Anonymous ID: dea8c3 Dec. 8, 2018, 11:42 a.m. No.4215939   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5964 >>5978 >>6206 >>6395 >>6454 >>6562

Oregon Governor Budgets $4 Million To Sue Trump and Defend Illegal Aliens


Oregon governor Kate Brown has put together her budget for the 2019-2021 biennium.

While she whines about the need to “raise revenue” to the extent of hiring a ministry of tax raises propagandist at a salary of $97,000, she has budgeted $4 Million dollars for the purposes of suing Trump and putting together a defense fund to help illegal aliens facing deportation.


Oregon Public Broadcasting reports:


Gov. Kate Brown unveiled a $23.6 billion budget proposal Wednesday that plugs holes in state health funding, seeks to gain ground in an ongoing housing crisis, expands access to voting and sets aside millions for challenging the policies of President Donald Trump.


Making the case that this is Oregon’s “best chance in a generation to address persistent, structural changes,” Brown’s proposed spending plan also includes a $2 billion challenge to state legislators, listing a host of improvements she’d like to see in the state’s flagging education system — if lawmakers can agree on a way to fund them.


The article, written by former Portland Mercury reporter and far left apologist Dirk Vanderhart, goes on to mention that the budget includes:


$4 million to fight the Trump administration in court. Half of that money would go into an “Oregon Defense Fund” and pay for ongoing and forthcoming lawsuits filed by the state against the federal government. The other half would pay for the defense of immigrants who are in deportation proceedings.


The Salem Reporter adds:


Brown has repeatedly talked about defending the state from the federal administration and has labeled the money proposed for current and future lawsuits as the “Oregon Defense Fund.”


“The federal government is receding from its role as a strong partner in navigating this moment,” Brown told reporters Wednesday.


Funding the lawsuits over the past two years has been difficult, said Misha Isaak, one of Brown’s policy advisors. The Justice Department is largely funded by fees charged to other state agencies for legal services, much as a law firm would bill its clients. The agency had to cobble together resources to join the lawsuits, Isaak said.


Rosenblum requested the $2 million purse for continuing the legal fights.


“I think as we move through the biennium, if that proves to be insufficient we probably would support an ask to the emergency board,” Isaak said.


Isaak said the state could partner with attorneys working as volunteers or retain outside lawyers who specialize in such lawsuits.


Isaak said the $2 million will fund pending lawsuits and allow the Justice Department to respond to new actions by Trump. Isaak said Brown is specifically worried about Trump shrinking the Cascade-Siskiyou National Monument, reducing funding for reproductive health services and rolling back protection for discrimination against transgender people.


Brown has also taken to combatting Trump on other fronts. In her budget, she asks for $2 million to provide legal services for immigrants facing federal deportation proceedings.


“They may not be able to provide soup-to-nuts representation of everyone in removal proceedings, but at least they would make sure that everybody would have some access to communicating with a lawyer,” Isaak said.


Brown said that Oregon has “been a place that is considered to be welcoming and inclusive to all who call Oregon home. And I want to make sure that our immigrant and refugee communities feel safe and welcomed in the great state of Oregon.”


The state would work in partnership with the Innovation Law Lab to identify the recipients of legal help. The state didn’t do an independent analysis to determine the funding, but instead agreed to the nonprofit’s request for $2 million.


Video of Kate Brown’s recent press conference on the budget, courtesy of Dick Hughes:

Anonymous ID: dea8c3 Dec. 8, 2018, 11:46 a.m. No.4215982   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6010 >>6012 >>6049 >>6169 >>6334 >>6454 >>6562

Women's Rights Activist: Linda Sarsour Is 'Empowering' Radical Islamic 'Torture, Terror, Rape'


Women's March co-founder Linda Sarsour is "empowering" the radical Islam that oppresses women across the world, inspiring sex slavery, child marriage, and female genital mutilation, a best-selling author and women's rights activist told PJ Media on Friday.


"Linda Sarsour is promoting Sharia law and misleading Americans," Rabia Kazan, a best-selling author and president of the Middle Eastern Women's Coalition, told PJ Media on Friday. "She never mentions child marriage, genital mutilation, or honor killings."


"She's empowering their side, not us," Kazan said. "She's encouraging these barbaric people. She's encouraging them and contributing to them, to women being sold and girls being raped everyday."


The Middle Eastern Women's Coalition will endorse President Donald Trump for 2020 on Tuesday.


Kazan described the dire state of women in the Middle East. "Women and children are suffering under Sharia law and in the Middle East. Our girls are being sold into sexual slavery every single day," she added. "Four-year-old babies are being sold to ISIS. Little girls aged seven to fourteen are being sold as child brides. This is pedophilia and rape by marriage."


Under the influence of people warning about "Islamophobia," the "whole world is thinking they are volunteers," and Linda Sarsour is leading this effort.


"How many of us have to die?" she asked. "How many of us have to be raped before you take an action? Silence is killing us and President Trump is speaking."


"Women like Linda Sarsour are misleading Americans to think that all women in the Middle East are happy to wear headscarves and to be slaves," Kazan said. "She's the one who is helping the people who are doing this to us."


"She is encouraging those barbaric people in their torture, terror, rape," the women's rights advocate argued. "She's helping them. She's not defending our rights at all."


"Shame on her. All the child brides and all honor killing victims, genital mutilation victims shame Linda Sarsour," the Middle Eastern Women's Coalition president declared. "She has done nothing for us."


MidEast Victims of Forced Marriage, Genital Mutilation, Endorse Trump for 2020: 'He Gives Us Hope'


Sarsour has defended the institution of Sharia (Islamic law) in civil law. While she has condemned abuses like female genital mutilation, activists like Kazan claim that she is actually abetting these horrors by focusing her activism on Trump, rather than the Islamic State (ISIS) and the oppressive governments that institute oppression for women.

Anonymous ID: dea8c3 Dec. 8, 2018, 11:48 a.m. No.4216009   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6058 >>6100

Iran's president urges unwavering, all-out fight against terrorism


Iranian President Hassan Rouhani has called on all neighboring and regional countries to step up an all-out fight against terrorism and extremism, saying major powers have created and supported terrorist groups.


Rouhani made the remarks in a Saturday meeting with Pakistani Speaker of the National Assembly Asad Qaiser, who is in Tehran for the second Speakers' Conference on the challenge of terrorism and inter-regional connectivity.


He said the conference, attended by speakers from Afghanistan, China, Iran, Pakistan, Russia and Turkey, was a "good and useful initiative" to improve security in the region and cooperation among regional countries, adding, "Those who have created terrorist groups in the past decades, had in fact committed high treason against regional nations."


"The US, the West and the Zionist regime (Israel) are supporters of terrorist groups’ activities in Iran," Rouhani pointed out.


He emphasized that Tehran and Islamabad must take serious steps to battle terrorism and stressed the importance of resisting US bullying and finding appropriate ways to expand relations among friendly countries.


The Pakistani National Assembly speaker, for his part, said Islamabad was prepared to cooperate with Tehran in the fight against terrorism and the promotion of regional security.


Qaiser expressed hope that Iran and Pakistan would strengthen trade and economic cooperation, saying no one would be allowed to harm mutual relations.


Iran firm to improve all-out relations with Turkey: Rouhani


In a meeting with Turkey's Speaker of the Grand National Assembly Binali Yildirim, the Iranian president hailed the Turkish government's positive stance vis-à-vis illegal sanctions imposed by the US against Iran and said Tehran was keen to expand all-out relations with Ankara.


"Iran regards Turkey's security and stability as that of its own," Rouhani said, calling on the two countries to immediately implement their agreements in all sectors.

Anonymous ID: dea8c3 Dec. 8, 2018, 11:54 a.m. No.4216104   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6123 >>6600

‘F— you leakers’: A former senior Google employee says a frantic quest to stop internal info getting out is now management’s ‘number one priority’


A senior former Google employee who quit over its controversial plans to launch a search engine in China painted a picture of a company whose upper echelons are obsessed with stopping leaks, to the exclusion of almost anything else.


Jack Poulson, a former researcher at the company, said that senior managers consider the prevention of leaks to be their “number one priority.”


In comments reported on Saturday by The Times of London, Poulson cited as an example of the anti-leak culture an an unnamed senior engineer taking the microphone at an all-hands meeting to yell “F— you leakers” at his colleagues.


He said that the campaign against leaking had become a way for Google to avoid tackling the reasons staff were leaking in the first place, including concerns over the Chinese search project, code-named Dragonfly, or work for the US military.


Poulson left Google in September over Dragonfly, and said he believed four other employees had done the same. Google declined to comment on his departure at the time.


He said, according to The Times: “The narrative is that leaking is bad and that the number one priority is to prevent any leaks.”


Poulson said that Google was not alone in trying to suppress employee revolts, pointing to similar movements at Microsoft and Amazon. He said the back-and-forth between workers and executives is not “going to be a short battle.”


Business Insider has reported previously on the culture of extreme secrecy at Google.

Anonymous ID: dea8c3 Dec. 8, 2018, noon No.4216179   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6208

This seems like a good way to get the cabal out of Canuckistan


Beijing Threatens "Severe" Retaliation Against Canada If Huawei CFO Is Not Released


Canada's extraordinary arrest one week ago of Huawei CFO Meng Wanzhou, the daughter of Huawei founder and billionaire executive Ren Zhengfei, and its decision to charge her with "multiple" counts of fraud - a preamble to her likely extradition to the US to face charges of knowingly violating US and EU sanctions on Iran - has elicited widespread anger in Beijing, which declared Meng's detention a "violation of human rights" during a bail hearing for the jailed executive on Friday.


That anger has apparently only intensified after the hearing adjourned without a decision (it will resume on Monday, allowing Meng's defense team to argue for why she should be released on bail, contrary to the wishes of government attorneys who are prosecuting the case).

Anonymous ID: dea8c3 Dec. 8, 2018, 12:09 p.m. No.4216298   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Trump Weighs in on France Chaos: ‘End Paris Agreement, Return Money Back to the People’


U.S. President Donald Trump has weighed in on the growing chaos in Emmanuel Macron’s France, calling it “very sad” and suggesting it is time the scrap the Paris climate agreement and “return money back to the people in the form of lower taxes”.


Macron, who has became a hero to left-liberals and something of a globalist poster boy after he bucked a populist surge on both sides of the Atlantic to win the French presidency, saw his poll rating crumble to 18 percent and his people out on the streets in their tens of thousands after he imposed a “green” fuel tax which fell heavily on rural people and the working class.


The essentially leaderless Gilets Jaunes, better known as the “Yellow Jackets” or “Yellow Vests” to English-speakers, have blocked roads and come out onto the streets of Paris in their thousands four weekends in a row now, and already forced the French leader to abandon the tax rise — but this has not been enough to mollify an increasingly revolution-minded populace, requiring him to deploy thousands of regular and paramilitary police to try and contain protests which have begun to take on the appearance of a civil insurrection.


“Very sad day [and] night in Paris,” observed the U.S. leader. “Maybe it’s time to end the ridiculous and extremely expensive Paris Agreement and return money back to the people in the form of lower taxes?”


President Trump suggested the United States was “way ahead of the curve” in rejecting the supposedly anti-climate change accord, noting that his country — despite its refusal to sign it — is “the only major country where emissions went down last year!”


President Macron has emerged as the global establishment’s major champion for the agreement, as the electoral star of the left-liberal mainstream’s former alternative “leader of the free world” — Germany’s Angela Merkel — has been decisively dimmed.


He even threatened to veto a trade deal between the European Union — which negotiates trade agreements on its member-states’ behalf — and the South American trade bloc Mercosur, after “Tropical Trump” Jair Bolsonaro suggested he could follow his North American counterpart’s lead in exiting the Paris accord.


As the situation in his home country continues to slide out of control, how much longer the embattled French president will remain able to throw his weight around in this manner remains to be seen.

Anonymous ID: dea8c3 Dec. 8, 2018, 12:19 p.m. No.4216440   🗄️.is 🔗kun

North Carolina Democrat Releases Twitter Video Withdrawing Concession Because Of ‘Shameful Criminal Activity’


Democratic congressional candidate Dan McCready released a video retracting his concession to Republican Mark Harris Friday, after multiple accusations of voter fraud.


McCready trailed Harris in the race for North Carolina’s 9th Congressional District back in November by a slim margin of 905 votes. The race has yet to be certified and a special election may be needed to determine the winner.


McCready said there has been “shameful criminal activity” and accused Harris of bankrolling the fraud.


“Hey, folks, I’m Dan McCready. A month ago I conceded to my opponent Mark Harris in the race for North Carolina’s Ninth Congressional District. But last week, we began to learn about shameful criminal activity bankrolled by my opponent to take away North Carolinians very rights to vote,” he said.


McCready then invoked his service in the Marine Corps.


“I didn’t serve overseas in the Marine Corps just to come back home and watch politicians and career criminals attack out democracy,” he continued. “That’s why today I withdraw my concession to Mark Harris, who has remained completely silent, and I call on Mark Harris tell us exactly what he knew, and when he knew it. Join me in this fight for the people whose voices were taken from them.”

Anonymous ID: dea8c3 Dec. 8, 2018, 12:24 p.m. No.4216518   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6545


Weekend shillbaker!


Straight from Tel Aviv only pushing the info that suits Israel's need!


Syria update doesn't look good for Israel.


Neo Nazi's in Ukraine who are supported by Israel