Bye Faggot
Bye Faggot
Talk about arranged marriages. Jewgeek
This asshole you say?
He's a puppet master,…usuall referred to by GS or Soros….but who knows…..I can think of 3 big Traitors named GEORGE. Think multiple meanings.
#3 looks like Adam Sandler in disguise..lol
Fake news awards….would be awesome as they announce each one they come around and handcuff them and parade them out
That's right. I was think it Bushes…but I think you're correct from past posts..
Bah..hope they all go down
Never trust a jew with your money …fuck em all
$5MM to be exact. among the top 15 of all time
This bullshit alone should have kept him from ever getting a job. Sickening
JFK, 911