p. 96
When Comey was fired, he STILL didn't know if there was anything to the Russia "counterintelligence" investigations. Yet they had FISA warrants?
p. 96
When Comey was fired, he STILL didn't know if there was anything to the Russia "counterintelligence" investigations. Yet they had FISA warrants?
too skinny to be the real one, especially since someone weighing more than that was just at a funeral on live tv… just saying.
On October 27th, I learned that that was no longer true.
And I had my team telling me, not only is it no longer true, but
the result may change from our review of these hundreds of
thousands of emails, and we can't finish it before the election.
>This was after the Weiner laptop showed up, per OIG report.
>His team was telling him that the conclusion of the Midyear Investigation may change based on the Weiner laptop find.