Anonymous ID: 05b81e Dec. 8, 2018, 3:52 p.m. No.4219092   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9127 >>9150

>>4217851 (ppb)

Great catch ANON...they use this tactic everywhere. That's why Chanology had a method of surrounding troublemakers and chanting for police..we'd immobilize them...I saw them using this in Canada at a G-20? or G-8 protest...they caught the suckers wearing police footwear...kek..these tards aren't doing that but they're being taken behind lines for protection.


Legit protestors need to get a plan to suss out and eliminate provocateurs.


Holy shit baker the jews tried to fuck up your bake? three ebake threads...incredible. Good recovery tho.


>>4218400 (pb)

KEK...enjoy the show. Cause one thing I know..Trump is NOT a stupid man. He knows (((WHO))) has been running the USA...he knows where the cameras from Epstein's blackmail island were uploading to...they have nothing on him..he even managed to turn the agent they sent in to husband his daughter...think about many wealthy families have Jew husbands or wifes? CLINTONs??? This is how they gain people surround just in case they are useful later...IE STONE....jaysus look many influential people are surrounded by Jews or married a jew?


Truth? Corrupt terrorist piece of shit Bibi...flames...going down in...just wait and see.

Anonymous ID: 05b81e Dec. 8, 2018, 3:54 p.m. No.4219112   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9150

>>4218470 (pb)

>I see that same shill baker is still shitting all over the kitchen.

Found the jew


Give it up asshole…you will NEVER gain control of this place….might as well go earn your sheckles on FB.

Anonymous ID: 05b81e Dec. 8, 2018, 3:56 p.m. No.4219140   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9151

>>4218481 (pb)

>Two days ago, Israeli Prime Minister warned that the Israeli military may have to operate in Lebanon to counter the threat of Hezbollah tunnels.


Two days ago Mexico's president announced that they may have to invade the USA in order to catch drug cartels and stop their tunnels.


How does ^ That version sound?

Anonymous ID: 05b81e Dec. 8, 2018, 4:09 p.m. No.4219288   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9391

from PB

KEK I wonder if they mean ALL JEWS



Anonymous ID: 05b81e Dec. 8, 2018, 4:15 p.m. No.4219337   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9345


>Neocons Sabotage Trump's Trade Talks - Huawei CFO Taken Hostage To Blackmail China


>CNN reports that White House chief of staff John Kelly is expected to resign soon. There have been similar rumors before, but this time the news may actually be true. That is bad for Trump and U.S. policies. Kelly is one a the few counterweights to national security advisor John Bolton. His replacement will likely be whoever Bolton chooses. That will move contFrol over Trump policies further into the hands of the neo-conservatives.




This got overlooked LB seems




thanks to ANON who spotted this, sorry it got missed LB

Anonymous ID: 05b81e Dec. 8, 2018, 4:38 p.m. No.4219583   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9626


Great analysis…concur…his only option at this point is to let the German army come in to halp…and last I saw those poor sods were doing field exercises with broomsticks.


ALL the Yellow Vests need to do is HOLD ON…DON'T BACK DOWN…and coral any gov. and Israeli provocateurs so they can't use them as an excuse to use more force.

Anonymous ID: 05b81e Dec. 8, 2018, 4:41 p.m. No.4219618   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9635 >>9664



here you go baker


Neocons Sabotage Trump's Trade Talks - Huawei CFO Taken Hostage To Blackmail China


CNN reports that White House chief of staff John Kelly is expected to resign soon. There have been similar rumors before, but this time the news may actually be true. That is bad for Trump and U.S. policies. Kelly is one a the few counterweights to national security advisor John Bolton. His replacement will likely be whoever Bolton chooses. That will move contFrol over Trump policies further into the hands of the neo-conservatives.


It was Bolton who a week ago intentionally damaged U.S. relations with China.


The U.S. Justice Department arranged for Canada to arrest the chief financial officer of Huawei, Meng Wanzhou, over alleged U.S. sanctions violations with regards to Iran. The case is not over the sanction Trump recently imposed, but over an alleged collision with the sanction regime before the nuclear deal with Iran. The details are still unknown.


Meng Wanzhou is a daughter of the founder and main owner of Huawei, Ren Zhengfei, and was groomed to be his successor. The company is extremely well regarded in China. It is one of its jewel pieces and, with 170,000 employees and $100 billion in revenues, an important political actor.


The arrest on December 1 happened while president Trump was negotiating with president Xi of China about trade relations. Trump did not know about the upcoming arrest but Bolton was informed of it:


While the Justice Department did brief the White House about the impending arrest, Mr. Trump was not told about it. And the subject did not come up at the dinner with Mr. Xi.


Mr. Trump’s national security adviser, John R. Bolton, said on NPR that he knew about the arrest in advance, ..


Bolton surely should have informed Trump before his dinner with Xi, in which Bolton took part, but he didn't.

Anonymous ID: 05b81e Dec. 8, 2018, 4:43 p.m. No.4219638   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9666


>German press is publishing more and more articles insinuating that the German army may be a threat to democracy, by being subverted by reactionary, right winged forces.


KEK if the French General's letter is any indication…they would be right…is that why they won't let them have weapons?

Anonymous ID: 05b81e Dec. 8, 2018, 4:45 p.m. No.4219658   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9674


>got better sauce for next bread, anon? idk what "moon of albama" is

Looks like a pretty good analysis of the CNN article and the Huawei happenings. I wasn't OP so…but thought the analysis was spot on due to how the arrest happened…without Trump knowing etc…done to embarrass him. But don't include it if you feel it's iffy.


KEK I'll go hunt more Jew stuff…we're being hit harder than usual today by the JIDF..wonder why?

Anonymous ID: 05b81e Dec. 8, 2018, 4:47 p.m. No.4219686   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Carter brah…cause Q said [CA_J] lol as good as any reason…him popping off would give them another week of presidential funerals and delay…RGB not so much…but I'll admit her going would be much more beneficial for our team. She's halfway there already.

Anonymous ID: 05b81e Dec. 8, 2018, 4:49 p.m. No.4219708   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>You believe your own bullshit, Anon?

FACT the arrest happened…Trump knew nothing about it…think. Bolton OG neolib…you don't think he's on our team…kek.