Most military die for corporate profits, not for political causes.
Any of the /crooktards/ currently missing since the not a funeral?
lol good one
Yeah, her.
That joke just killed 6 million of my ancestors.
I got RBG in the Dead Pool. Who you got?
They allow computers in the sheep pen now?
Here, dummy.
Wow! Paris is almost Los Angeles now!
The leftist takeover of schools and colleges is a very serious issue that MUST be corrected. We live in a nation of indoctrinated morons and illegal immigrants for the past 25-30 years. All part of the nwo agenda.
She's pretty.
Add Auntie Fag/BLM and any rabid demoncrats.
The Council of Concern meets on Thursday and will review your whine.
When you know something first hand, you dont "learn" it.
I learned I took a Soetero this morning.
Then Trump can send up another Scalia and just wait, no problem.
If the federal student loan program is eliminated, many of these crap colleges will be gone in a couple years. The feds are propping up libtardism in so many areas of society. It must end. Libtards are weak and will fail without Uncle Sam.
All these changes could support a change from investigations to prosecutions.
Agree. Set some unforgettable examples.
Comey's clearly a fool and a liar.
Tell the Cal govt No more relief payments for your Agenda 21 fires. $6.5 billion to Cal for this since 2005.
masons much?