Anonymous ID: 0da19e Feb. 18, 2018, 4:21 p.m. No.422360   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2380 >>2695


-also to an anon in previous bread who seemed genuinely impatient for the right reasons…

Some of us may need to simply take time away from the news, or from here, or both, when our blood pressure gets too high.

We do need to follow the news, but because the MSM is in full attack more, it can be relentlessly depressing.

In this area, even the local news can't resist some barb at Trump's latest supposed misstep or some member of the administration about to take Trump down - in between traffic reports.

Obviously, the nightly news, the papers, and of course the national cable channels are not letting up one bit on the "Trump is about to go down" narrative.

Throw in social media, Drudge, FreeRepublic, and it is virtually a wall of bad news.

We of course know it is all bullshit


But we, also, are human. Our brains get overwhelmed.


So turn it off. We'd like you to stay here, but if you must, go watch a cooking show or play a video game or clean your firearms or something, to clear your mind, until your patience has returned.

Even the best fighters need periodic R&R, even in an information war.

Anonymous ID: 0da19e Feb. 18, 2018, 4:24 p.m. No.422398   🗄️.is 🔗kun


It is a damn fine filter too.

It deletes the ever-loving crap out of shills, like a knife through butter.

Anons, you disrespect the amazing software all around us, by neglecting to use the filter.

Take control of your life for once.

Anonymous ID: 0da19e Feb. 18, 2018, 4:32 p.m. No.422489   🗄️.is 🔗kun


There are times when the only game that can be played, is the long game.

But the long game, alas, sucks donkey as a spectator sport.


Regardless of how hard we research and meme, we are on the outside looking in. I am with you anon.

We must be willing to labor, and wait, and finally marry the daughter of the landowner…

….and then find out he switched daughters on us, so me must labor, and wait some more.


I think we are still in the pre-Leah stage, and Rachel won't even be on the horizon until this summer.