Anonymous ID: 90b787 Feb. 18, 2018, 4:10 p.m. No.422248   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2276 >>2351 >>2473




Bill Cooper Interview CNN Uncut 1992

Milton William Cooper is the author of the 1991 book Behold a pale horse. According to Bill, he served in the US Navy, air force & naval intelligence office until his discharge in 1975. Public records only indicate a period of service in the Navy with a ratings code of Sargent, including a tour of duty in Vietnam with two service medals. On November 5, 2001 Apache County sheriff's deputies attempted to arrest Cooper at his Eagar, Arizona home on charges of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon and endangerment stemming from earlier disputes with local residents. After an exchange of gunfire during which Cooper shot one of the deputies in the head, Cooper was fatally shot. Federal authorities reported that Cooper had spent years trying to avoid capture on the 1998 tax evasion arrest warrant, and according to a spokesman for the U.S. Marshals Service, he had vowed that "he would not be taken alive".



In the above interview, Cooper addresses a number of issues that are extremely relevant when looking at the current geopolitical state of the United States, and the world.The entire interview is extremely valuable, but to save time I have gone through and recorded markers in the areas which I believe hold particular relevance.

15:28 Mention of Coopers ‘Q’ clearance in the US naval intelligence office.

“What I eventually ended up with was a top secret Q clearance, with an SCI attachment, which means access to sensitive compartmentalised information.

At 16:15, Cooper says “I began to see things come across my desk that were absolutely incredible, and a lot of it is really hard to talk about because it is so far outside the normal concept of reality for the average American that they’re gonna have a hard time believing any of it”.

At 39:10 Cooper talks about population control, and eludes to cancer having a cure, and aids being an invention of man. Claims these programs were run by the clowns and mentions the name Project MKNaomi. This is relevant to Qpost 686 & 446.



At 44:15 the interviewer asks “Is there any uprising?” to which Cooper replies “There is, but it requires that the people wake up, it requires that they really learn the truth, instead of living there life in Fantasy Land”.

Q has mentioned ‘fantasy land’ 11 times so far. Is this an appropriate definition of fantasy land?

Anonymous ID: 90b787 Feb. 18, 2018, 4:11 p.m. No.422254   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2473



At 44:15 the interviewer asks “Is there any uprising?” to which Cooper replies “There is, but it requires that the people wake up, it requires that they really learn the truth, instead of living there life in Fantasy Land”.

Q has mentioned ‘fantasy land’ 11 times so far. Is this an appropriate definition of fantasy land?


At 56:12 “There are so many sects, and groups and segments, and we’re so fragmented that getting together is going to really be difficult, but we have to do it, because if we don’t wake up and do it ourselves, these men who meet in secret &plot the manipulations are gonna do it whether we want to or not”.

I find this particularly relevant when looking at the the polarised political state of America and the world right now.

At 58:36 Cooper says “They don’t really consider you to be a threat unless you develop a large political following”. I think we can all see the relevance to this, as 4, 10, 20 fits into this category perfectly. #MAGA.

At 1:04:52 Cooper warns of the danger of secret societies. “It is just absolutely incredible that the American people don’t understand that groups of men don’t get together and meet in secret and take blood oaths, which say that they can be cut open and there heart ripped out of there body and there intestines scattered over the floor if they talk about these secrets. That’s not a benevolent fraternity. That’s a dangerous group of men”.


At 1:07:44 Cooper briefly explains why JFK (RIP PATRIOT) was assassinated. “JFK was short circuiting the NWO. He had ordered the printing of constitutional money, United States notes, which would have destroyed the Federal Reserve, which is not an agency of the US government. It’s a private corporation, owned and operated by the world bankers. Controlled by the Illuminati.”

At 1:24:56 Cooper explains how “Our government has literally been infiltrated, and there is a cancer within our government, destroying it”.

At 1:27:50 Cooper says “we need to send people into Congress and Government who are going to clean house. Kick all the members of secret societies out of the beauracracy, lock them up. Try them for Treason. Because they are traitors.”

I think we can all see why this is relevant. Again, 4, 10, 20. #MAGA

Anonymous ID: 90b787 Feb. 18, 2018, 4:13 p.m. No.422269   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2311 >>2473



At 1:28:29 the interviewer asks “Now if someone came into office with this kind of knowledge and this kind of intent, to really push these people out, would they not be eliminated immediately?” To which Cooper replies: “Not if they have the right people behind them. Because what the people would do in one fell swoop, in one election, would elect people who have never served in government before, kick the incumbents out. Send citizens to Washington”.

Once again, we can see that this exact scenario was played out in the 2016 Election. An American CITIZEN won the presidency, backed by Military Intelligence and other patriots in the intelligence community.




The final part of this interview I found relevant was at 1:13:13

Cooper says “People better wake up to the fact that unless they wake up and do something about it now, there is only going to be one alternative, and that is either take up arms and restore the constitution, and the blood will run in the streets of America, or reach down and put the shackles around your own feet and march off into slavery peacefully. Not going to be easy the coming years. Remember, this interview was in 1992. It is now 2018. FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT!


Q team, ANONS, hope this is useful/relevant.