Tyb! o7
I'll do one repost from last bread in case baker had not enough time (it was end of last bread)
Some context. Various Dutch speaking sources confirm the N-VA has withdrawn from the government, unless the PM Michel will not fly to Marrkesh tomorrow to ratify the Agreement in Morocco. Then sources and a spokesmen told the press that PM Michel will fly to Morocco tomorrow to ratify anyway "We will see what happens after that".
Here's the translation from the weblog:
N-VA says farewell to Marrakesh/ N-VA zegt toedeledokie tegen Marrakesh
Typical Belgium actions. Even the falling of a cabinetcrisis looks like a bad movieplay. Whether the Belgian government will actually fall is due to a plane (with the Belgian PM) leaving tomorrow to Morocco. (So lots of scenarios are still open. Storm, heavy windfall, no jetfuel, flat tire, oil on the runway, no power, forgotten boardingpass.) Anyway, we assume the Belgium government has fallen definitively. All because of a NON-BINDING MIGRATION PACT. LOL What a joke.
Typisch Belgisch weer. Zelfs een kabinetscrisis is een klucht. Of de Belgische regering ECHT gevallen is, hangt morgen af van een opstijgend vliegtuig richting Marokko. (Dus er kan nog vanalles gebeuren. Storm, harde wind, kerosine op, lekke band, olie op landingsbaan, geen stroom, boarding pass vergeten.) Enfin, we houden het er maar op dat de regering van België definitief geklapt is. Om een NIET BINDEND Migratiepact. LOL, wat een mop.
>https:// www.geenstijl.nl/5145243/regering-belgie-gevallen-om-migratiepact/#comments
What are C30's normally used for?
Oh Shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii…… thanks anon
Too little, too late. People are pissed. Bring le pain.
the problem with socialism you will eventually run out of other peoples money – Thatcher was right about that one.
Np, we cool baker. o7