Dig on [Project on Forward Engagement] continues.
No Fear? Jump in!!!
#5361 [ >>4209199 >>4209233 >>4209221 ]
#5373 [ >>4218212 ]
#5374 [ >>4219089 ]
Forward Engagement is a non-profit (of course!).
[https://forwardengagement.org/whoweare] lists the usual Globies
but Fuerth's impact on Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Egypt
and other European regions is troubling. Sounds like…Albright,
Powers, Rice, Berger…you get my drift. His associate, Nicoletti,
served with Warnath dealing with TIP's for the State Department?! Sirens….
I'm spreading these drops over several shifts for a reason [nite shift; my shift].
Nap time for now and up at…midnight?!