Thanks baker and feel better soon. o7
It is pretty clever, but does not stop them from showing they fear the people:
(Translated from Dutch, original in link below)
The Hague - Police has removed a man in yellow vest from the public tribune in the second chamber of parliament.
Before the arrest 'yellow vest' Renรฉ was summoned to remove himself from the public viewing area of the chamber during the debat of the Marrakesh pact.
Citing rules that it's not "legal" to protest in the chamber area of the parliament police removed him public area.
He did not want to leave, citing "I came here to watch the debate. I am not in favor of this pact."
Condemning the action to remove him from the public tribunal area he states: "I feel obligated to show I had enough" and "I am considering wearing the yellow vest daily now".
Czech'ed! Nice get anon 8)
>>4222350 For whatever reason your post doesn't show up as linked. Oh well.
I find it funny that when I was looked at the posts from the article I spotted a note saying: 17for17 (I read it as QforQ)
And that lead me to >>http://
17 Posters Interpreting the UN's 17 Global Goals.
(seems like some form of Agenda 21[30] light). I will see if I can dig something interesting out of this tomorrow, but any anons who have the time and want to look into it, be my quest.
Kek! The things Q leads us to.
original photo from newssite: