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A view from the cockpit!
Repost [lb]
A view from the cockpit!
BlazeTV breaks off relationship with founder of the Proud Boys
> Saying you don't remember under oath when you do, is PERJURY.
>>Judge Jeanine on fire tonight.
>Live Stream…
Fitton on Judge Jeanine after commercial break
She seems to be laying the ground work publicly for all we have known for …EVER…
Repeating what Q told us long ago, but painting the picture and connecting dots for those who have not been aware, including talking about Ryan preventing investigation and the Freedom Caucus and what they've been trying to do
>Did you just hear that Ari guy?? Holy shit what a nut case.
Judge Jeanine didn't do a very good job of shutting him up
That'swhy I stopped watching her months ago / because she can't shut down the libtards
Am watching now tho, Ari … fuck…
He can't deal with truth and facts as Bongino was calmly stating and he starts attacking FLOTUS and bringing up Stormy and rantimg
These people can not be helped / they are crazy
There is no reason to delay revealing information / nothing is going to wake those people up
They are lost
So, lets just get on with full transparency
> when Trump himself wanted Flynn as VP
At NO time did I ever see anything to indicate Flynn was under consideration for VP
Several others including Newt but never Flynn
>weed is for losers
Medical Marijuana will be the norm instead of big pharma in 5-7 years or less
>I started smoking in 2016….it's
>the only reason I can sleep in this timeline
Medical use has really come so far with the various strains
Very precise and effective for so many ailments
>Pills kill. How many you on?
I see I say medical is effective and now I am on pills
So here's my response
Don't drink / don't smoke / zero medications including no over the counter like advil etc
Vegetarian / worst vice is coffee sometimes
And I support medical marijuana for those who need it