She says it like it's a bad thing!
Q posted a 5-digit number and anons figured out it was a ZIP code, and lo and behold what came up.
Third in line!
Street sign says MacLeod Tr (Trail)
It's in Calgary, outside their city hall.,-114.0580588,3a,75y,242.74h,95.81t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sH_l3NubY1CxoBRCHcSxjwg!2e0!7i13312!8i6656!5m1!1e4
Big kek!
Reminded me of something I put together when anons thought they saw a Q in the Austin bombing locations earlier this year.
Are these types of figure 8 patterns unusual?
Strikes me as too much of a coincidence that it is oriented exactly north-southโฆ. i.e. exactly like a vertical 8.
Gotta be a call out.
My bad. Mixing up the real name (Nellie) with POTUS's name for her (Molly).