Anonymous ID: 8653a8 Dec. 8, 2018, 9:15 p.m. No.4222815   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2977 >>3170 >>3359 >>3395 >>3456



UN renews demand that “Israel” should abide by resolutions related to occupied Golan

The United Nations (UN) renewed its demand that the Israeli occupation authorities should abide by the resolutions related to the occupied Syrian Golan, particularly resolution No. 497 for the year 1981 which considers its decision to impose its laws, jurisdiction and administration on the occupied Syrian Golan as null and void and without international legal effect. The resolution demanded that the Israeli occupation authorities should immediately cancel the decision on annexing the Golan .


After eight year absence, Christmas tree lit up in Daraa

The Christian denominations in Daraa lit up the Christmas tree and opened the cave of Jesus inside the church of St George in Azra’, marking the Barbra Day and celebrating Christmas after an absence of eight years during the crisis in Syria.

The festivity was organized by the Church of St George, during which the locals in Azra’ recited Christmas carols and lit the Christmas tree with the martyrs’ photos dotting it.


After 4 years of hiatus, al-Sheikh Maskeen power transmission plant in service

Director General of the General Establishment for Electricity, Ghassan al-Zamel, told SANA that this achievement will improve the situation of electricity in the province which, in turn, will reflect positively on all aspects of economic life.


FSA Exposes ‘Sneaky Iranians’ Disguising As Russians To Trick Israel

Colonel Mustafa Bakkor, a spokesman for Jaysh al-Izza, claimed that Iranian forces in northern Hama are raising Russian flags over their positions in order to “protect themselves from Israeli bombardment.”

“All the military positions of the Assad regime in the norther Hama countryside are hosting Iranian militias from the 313 Brigade –Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC)- especially in Halfaya, Khattab’s base, the College of Veterinary Medicine, al-Shalyut, al-Zilaqiyat and Hama airbase,” Bakkor told the Syrian pro-opposition news outlet Enab Baladi on December 8.

Back then, Syrian pro-government activists debunked these claims and said that almost all forces in Syria, including some of the FSA, are using the same uniform. The activists also clarified that the SAA soldiers and officers stopped wearing their patches since late 2011 for security reasons.


Syrian Army Employs Armed Drones Against Turkish-backed Militants In Northwestern Hama

The pro-opposition outlet claimed that the armed drone took off from the Russian Hmeimim airbase in the western governorate of Lattakia. However, experts believe that the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) carried out the attack with a mini drone, which had been modified to carry and drop small-diameter projectiles.


Military Situation In Southeastern Syria On December 8, 2018 (Map Update)


Military Situation In Northwestern Syria On December 8, 2018 (Map Update)

This map provides a general look at the military situation in northwestern Syria:

The US State Department has come with a creative statement accusing the Assad government and the Russians of staging a chemical attack in the city of Aleppo on November 25. According to the State Department, the goal of the attack was to justify an offensive on Idlib. MORE HERE

The Turkish Armed Forces (TAF) have deployed additional armoured vehicles and battle tanks at its observation posts in northern Hama where sporadic clashes between the Syrian Army and militants erupt on a constant basis.


Charities warned that sending aid to Syria's Idlib could be a 'terror offence'

UK regulator tells charities to consider suspending aid via Bab al-Hawa because crossing is controlled by Hayat Tahrir al-Sham

Anonymous ID: 8653a8 Dec. 8, 2018, 9:19 p.m. No.4222863   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2902 >>2937 >>2977 >>3170 >>3289 >>3359 >>3456



Familiar symbols? Ukraine's president poses with ‘elite’ paratrooper sporting…SS insignia (PHOTOS)


Petro Poroshenko has met the country's elite troops – paratroopers – ahead of their redeployment to bolster the “partial” martial law state. One of the soldiers openly sported an insignia of a Waffen SS division.


“Looking at your hardened, courageous faces, I once again realize nobody will overcome Ukraine. We are ready to protect our land with weapons in hands, to fight for each piece, we will not give it up to anyone,” Poroshenko told the troops while speaking in the region of Zhitomir on Thursday.


The president stood for photos with the servicemen, who were to be redeployed to other, “dangerous” regions of the country to prop up the 30-day period of the so-called “partial” martial law that Poroshenko announced following the Kerch Strait incident.


One of the troopers, standing just a few steps away from Ukraine's president proudly displayed the insignia of the 3rd SS Panzer Division Totenkopf right on his chest. Here he is.


And just to clarify who is arming Poroshenko


Rights Groups Demand Israel Stop Arming neo-Nazis in Ukraine

Anonymous ID: 8653a8 Dec. 8, 2018, 9:23 p.m. No.4222910   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2938 >>2977 >>2998 >>3100 >>3164 >>3170 >>3205 >>3359 >>3456

Italian Priest Says Salvini Supporters Are ‘Killing God’ by Opposing Mass Migration


An Italian parish priest has said he will close his church on Christmas in protest against a decree by interior minister Matteo Salvini reining in illegal immigration, accusing his supporters of “killing God.”


Father Paolo Farinella, the pastor of the parish of San Torpete in the northern Italian city of Genoa, will close his church from Christmas through the feast of the Epiphany in protest against the so-called “Salvini law” promulgated in Italy that toughens the country’s immigration policies and facilitates deportations.


“If Jesus, Mary, and Joseph were to present themselves today to celebrate his birth, they would be stopped at the border and thrown back, thanks to Salvini’s dirty decree,” Father Farinella said.


The priest has appealed to “conscientious objection” to justify the drastic measure of closing his church to the faithful.


The law, “modestly called a security decree, is actually a decree of massive insecurity and undercuts the deepest values ​​and feelings of democracy and law,” he said.


“By what right can Christians pretend to celebrate the birth of Jesus when their country, without any resistance or protest, expels the son of God in the form of a man?” he asked rhetorically.


The unusual decision to suspend church services is “a one-man strike” and “the only gesture of dignity that remains,” the priest said.


With this move, Farinella seeks to “stimulate the thinking and reflection of believers and all who have a conscience,” he said.


Since his election last March, Mr. Salvini has provoked the ire of the Italian Catholic establishment, especially because of his firm stance against unregulated mass immigration.


In his short span as interior minister, Salvini has been called everything from Satan to the antichrist because of his commitment to reining in illegal immigration.


Asked how he explains the “unprecedented hostility” toward him from the Catholic establishment in Italy, notably the bishops conference and Catholic journals such as Famiglia Cristiana and Avvenire, Mr. Salvini said the resistance has left him dumbfounded.


“Honestly I cannot explain it. So much virulence leaves me truly perplexed,” Salvini said, adding that on the other hand he is “flooded” with mail from Catholics — even priests and bishops — who encourage him to keep going exactly as he has been.

Anonymous ID: 8653a8 Dec. 8, 2018, 9:26 p.m. No.4222934   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2997 >>3159

Jeff Bezos Earns More In 30 Seconds Than The Average Worker Makes In A Year


Have you ever wondered how long it takes for the world's wealthiest captains of industry to earn what you make in a year? For many, the reality is too depressing to fathom.


But for any curious parties eager to learn the painful truth, ABC Finance has created a series of infographics that break down how much the world's wealthiest people earn - and how it compares to the average salary for regular non-billionaire workers.


While millions of Americans no doubt enjoyed some degree of schadenfreude watching the correction in FAANG stocks wipe out nearly $1 trillion of value from the largest US tech firms: Mark Zuckerberg alone has lost nearly $100 billion of his personal wealth since the beginning of 2018, and Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos has lost as much as $13 billion or more in a single day. But that doesn't change the fact that the world's billionaires enjoyed their highest-earning year on record in 2017 as their wealth increased by a combined $9 trillion.

Anonymous ID: 8653a8 Dec. 8, 2018, 9:31 p.m. No.4222982   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Rep. Gaetz Blasts Comey's 'Selective Amnesia': 'Pretty Inconceivable to Me'


Former FBI director testified before lawmakers Friday.


Rep. Matt Gaetz blasted James Comey for having "selective amnesia" during his closed-door testimony before the House Judiciary Committee.


The former FBI director spent six hours Friday testifying before lawmakers on a range of topics, including his handling of the Hillary Clinton email probe, the genesis of the Russia investigation and alleged bias at the bureau.


On "The Story" Friday, Gaetz (R-Fla.) said he was particularly interested in Comey's responses to questions about his June 2017 conversation with President Trump, in which Comey believes Trump may have obstructed justice by referencing the Michael Flynn investigation.


"As soon as Comey's done with the president, he prepares a memo and then meets with his senior team at the FBI. He couldn't tell us who was in the room, who was out of the room," Gaetz said, adding that Comey also did not share what senior officials like Andrew McCabe or Bill Priestap thought of the possible obstruction.

Anonymous ID: 8653a8 Dec. 8, 2018, 9:37 p.m. No.4223056   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3170 >>3359 >>3456

“The CIA owns everyone of any significance in the major media.”


As a former member of the major media prior to its concentration in few hands by the Clinton regime, I have reported on many occasions that the Western media is a Ministry of Propaganda for Washington. In the article below one of the propagandists confesses. PCR


Published on Russia Insider News (


“The CIA owns everyone of any significance in the major media.” — former CIA Director William Colby


Our Exclusive Interview with German Editor Turned CIA Whistleblower


Fascinating details emerge. Leading US-funded think-tanks and German secret service are accessories. Attempted suppression by legal threats. Blackout in German media.


Exclusively for RI, Dutch journalist Eric van de Beek interviews the senior German editor who is causing a sensation with his allegations that the CIA pays German media professionals to spin stories to follow US government goals.


We wrote about this two weeks ago, and the article shot up in views, becoming one of the most read articles on our site.


Udo Ulfkotte reveals in his bestseller Bought Journalists, how he was “taught to lie, to betray and not to tell the truth to the public.”


The former editor of Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, which is one of Germany’s largest newspapers, was secretly on the payroll of the CIA and German secret service, spinning the news in a way that was positive for the United States and bad for its opponents.

In his latest interview, Ulfkotte alleges that some media are nothing more than propaganda outlets of political parties, secret services, international think tanks and high finance entities.


Repenting for collaborating with various agencies and organisations to manipulate the news, Ulkotte laments, “I’m ashamed I was part of it. Unfortunately I cannot reverse this.”


Some highlights from the interview:


“I ended up publishing articles under my own name written by agents of the CIA and other intelligence services, especially the German secret service.”

“Most journalists from respected and big media organisations are closely connected to the German Marshall Fund, the Atlantik-Brücke or other so-called transatlantic organisations…once you’re connected, you make friends with selected Americans. You think they are your friends and you start cooperating. They work on your ego, make you feel like you’re important. And one day one of them will ask you ‘Will you do me this favor’…”

“When I told the Frankfurter Allgemeine that I would publish the book, their lawyers sent me a letter threatening with all legal consequences if I would publish any names or secrets – but I don’t mind.”

“[The Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung] hasn’t sued me. They know that I have evidence on everything.”

“No German mainstream journalist is allowed to report about [my] book. Otherwise he or she will be sacked. So we have a bestseller now that no German journalist is allowed to write or talk about.”

Anonymous ID: 8653a8 Dec. 8, 2018, 9:39 p.m. No.4223077   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Pentagon Claims Accounting Error In Yemen War…


President Donald Trump, who repeatedly complains that the United States is paying too much for the defense of its allies, has praised Saudi Arabia for ostensibly taking on Iran in the Yemen war. It turns out, however, that U.S. taxpayers have been footing the bill for a major part of the Saudi-led campaign, possibly to the tune of tens of millions of dollars.


The revelation—detailed in a Defense Department letter obtained by The Atlantic—is likely to raise further ire among senators who have grown ever-more critical of Saudi conduct in the war, which has resulted in a growing number of civilian casualties, and U.S. support for it.


Since the start of the Saudi-led intervention, in March 2015, and up until last month, the United States provided mid-air refueling for Saudi-led coalition aircraft that then flew missions related to the Yemen campaign. Getting heavy U.S. tankers into the air and carrying out this job is enormously expensive. The recipient country is required by law to pay the costs, but that isn’t what happened here. In a mea culpa of sorts, the Pentagon’s November 27 letter states that while the Defense Department “believed” Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates “had been charged for the fuel and refueling services, they in fact had not been charged adequately.” How inadequately, the Pentagon will not yet say; it is “currently calculating the correct charges,” the letter states.


On Thursday, the Pentagon confirmed the letter’s contents to The Atlantic. “Although DoD has received some reimbursement for inflight refueling assistance provided to the Saudi-led coalition (SLC), U.S. Central Command recently reviewed its records and found errors in accounting where DoD failed to charge the SLC adequately for fuel and refueling services,” Commander Rebecca Rebarich, a Pentagon spokeswoman, told The Atlantic.


The Pentagon’s letter says that it reached these conclusions after Senator Jack Reed, the top Democrat on the Senate Armed Services Committee, made a specific request for information.


Reed, along with seven other Democratic senators, raised the question of reimbursements in a letter to Defense Secretary Jim Mattis in March. The Pentagon’s response admitting “errors in accounting” arrived the day before a key Senate procedural vote on withdrawing U.S. support for the war effort.


“It is clear that the Department has not lived up to its obligation to keep Congress appropriately informed or its responsibility to secure timely reimbursement,” Reed told The Atlantic. “U.S.-provided aerial refueling assistance was provided to the Saudi-led coalition for more than 3.5 years, activities that likely cost tens of millions of dollars. We must ensure that U.S. taxpayers are fully reimbursed for that support.”


When asked by The Atlantic how much reimbursement DoD had received from the Saudi-led coalition, Rebarich said that “CENTCOM is still working through the calculation.” The Saudi and UAE embassies in Washington had not responded to The Atlantic’s requests for comment about any reimbursements at the time of publication.

Anonymous ID: 8653a8 Dec. 8, 2018, 9:40 p.m. No.4223104   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3170 >>3196 >>3223 >>3322 >>3359 >>3456

One Of Largest Child Pornography Bust - Light Sentence At Adult Diagnostic & Treatment Center


Anthony White, from Ocean County, who was found with over 36,000 videos and images of child pornography on his computer devices was sentenced to six years in state prison.


White, 31, was one of 40 men who was arrested in 2016 during a child pornography sweep by the New Jersey Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force.


White pleaded guilty to second-degree charges of distributing child pornography and attempting to manufacture child pornography.


“We are working hard through our proactive online investigations to banish the offensive notion that viewing child pornography is somehow a victimless crime,” said New Jersey Attorney General Gurbir Grewal. “Tens of thousands of children were cruelly abused to create the videos and images in White’s collection, and he exploited and re-victimized those children by his actions.”


White admitted to purposefully using file-sharing software to make 25 or more files of child pornography available to other users to download from a shared folder on his computer.


White also admitted trying to reproduce images of child pornography he had previously downloaded.


Members of the task force who search White’s home, after his arrest, seized a number of computer devices.


A forensic search revealed over 36,000 videos and images of child pornography.


White’s sick collection was one of the largest of child pornography ever seized by law enforcement in New Jersey.


Under Megan’s Law, he will be required to register as a sex offender and will be subject to parole supervision for the remainder of his life.


Depending on how they house these types of criminals, may determine how long their lifespans are. Prisoners have a code of their own and the two things they have no respect for are rapist and child offenders, who typically face a wrath, if not placed in protective custody.


After investigating where White was placed, sickeningly, I found that he was housed at ADTC, Adult Diagnostic & Treatment Center

. “The Adult Diagnostic and Treatment Center (ADTC) is a secure correctional facility operated by the New Jersey Department of Corrections. Its purpose is to provide treatment for certain repetitive and compulsive male sex offenders who have been sentenced under the New Jersey Sex Offender Act.”


Basically, he is protected until he is free! Where are our children’s rights? Where is their protection?

Anonymous ID: 8653a8 Dec. 8, 2018, 9:42 p.m. No.4223131   🗄️.is 🔗kun

IDF compares Hezbollah to Elon Musk in bizarre signal boost attempt


In a strange PR ploy, the Israeli military has enlisted the help of tech visionary Elon Musk to blast Hezbollah's tunnel-digging and rocket-building, tweeting that the SpaceX CEO does the same things, only for the greater good.


The Israel Defense Forces, who this week launched an open-ended operation to destroy a web of tunnels stretching from southern Lebanon to northern Israel, revealed their unexpected appreciation for Musk's tech-savvy genius on Saturday.


On its official Twitter account, the IDF wrote that while Musk "builds rockets at @SpaceX and digs tunnels at @boringcompany to help mankind," the Shia militant group "does the same" in Lebanon "to kill Israeli civilians."

Anonymous ID: 8653a8 Dec. 8, 2018, 9:45 p.m. No.4223142   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3170 >>3359 >>3456

Hypnosis, truth drugs and remote-operated dogs: Declassified papers on CIA’s 'mind control' research


A renowned government secret hunter has published new documents detailing the CIA’s Cold War “behavioral modification” experiments (ranging from the bizarre to the stomach-churning), released under the Freedom of Information Act.


The documents were published by “The Black Vault”, a site which has published enough government documents on the paranormal, UFOs and government mind control experiments to provide material for a dozen new seasons of The X-Files. While the site might sound like a fringe web-community indulging in paranoid cliches, it is also the largest repository of its kind aside from the US government with over 2,000,000 pages of information. The 800 pages of classified information published in November had been withheld from previously released documents that were made public through FOIA requests in 2004 and 2016.


The newest documents, if verified, showcase some unprecedented disturbing outcomes of the CIA’s attempts to develop mind control techniques and truth serums as a part of its “MKultra” project, which the agency admitted to having secretly run until 1973. The releases include documents on a “successful” effort to create 6 dogs that could be “operated” to complete basic commands by remote control in the late 1960s. There are even diagrams of the surgical implants that employed “Electrical Stimulation of the Brain” to create controlled responses.

Anonymous ID: 8653a8 Dec. 8, 2018, 9:47 p.m. No.4223167   🗄️.is 🔗kun

High-Ranking Military Commander Busted in FBI Child Sex Trafficking Sting


A High-Ranking Air Force official was arrested this week and charged on multiple counts for attempting to have sex with a child.


Cobb County, GA — Earlier this week, the FBI Metro Atlanta Child Exploitation Task Force held a sting to catch alleged sex traffickers and made multiple arrests in the process. During the sting, a high-ranking Air Force Colonel was ensnared by federal agents.


The undercover sex bust unfolded Tuesday night at a Cobb County hotel at which Lt. Col. Willie Newson, 47, was arrested. According to authorities, Newson thought he was meeting a 14-year-old girl at the hotel. He was actually meeting undercover agents pretending to be a child.


Georgia Department of Defense spokeswoman Desiree Bamba told that Newson is on the command staff of Maj. Gen. Jesse T. Simmons Jr., who is the commander of the Georgia Air National Guard. Newson also was formerly the commander of the 165th Communication Flight of the 165th Airlift Wing, according to the official.


“Lt. Col. Newson’s alleged actions do not reflect the values we uphold in the Georgia National Guard,” she said.


As WSB-TV reports, the “undercover officer that Newson spoke with gave him the opportunity to stop communicating several times.” However, Newson continued to pursue who he thought was a 14-year-old girl.


The Air Force Colonel was using a popular dating app to pursue the child.


On Tuesday, Newson was arrested on multiple charges stemming from the child exploitation charges. After he was taken into custody, he immediately bailed himself out for $20,000.


He is currently on leave pending the outcome of the case.


“It’s upsetting to the safety of our kids, the safety of this community as a whole,” Mark Samuels, who manages the hotel where the bust took place.

Anonymous ID: 8653a8 Dec. 8, 2018, 9:49 p.m. No.4223185   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Flu Vaccine is the most Dangerous Vaccine in the U. S. based on Settled Cases for Injuries

Anonymous ID: 8653a8 Dec. 8, 2018, 9:58 p.m. No.4223266   🗄️.is 🔗kun

CLINTON NIGHTMARE! Chief Financial Officer of Clinton Foundation Turns Government Informant on Crime Family


Donations to the Clinton Foundation plummeted by 90% over a three-year period since Hillary Clinton lost the 2016 election to President Donald Trump.


But that may be the least of the her worries.


John Solomon from The Hill dropped another bombshell that will keep the Clintons up at night.


The former Chief Financial Officer of the Clinton Foundation has turned on the crime family and is now working as a government informant.


This could spell doom for the Clinton Crime Family.


American Thinker reported:


John Solomon of The Hill reveals the story that has been percolating for a long time but kept tightly under wraps – because that is what serious prosecutors do, especially when grand juries are poring over evidence and issuing indictments that remain sealed until the right moment comes. The trigger for the story coming out now probably is a House subcommittee hearing scheduled next week by Mark Meadows, chair of the House Freedom Caucus, while the GOP still can set the agenda of House hearings.


[A] GOP-led congressional subcommittee, led by Rep. Mark Meadows (N.C.), is planning to hold a hearing next week to review the work of John Huber, the special U.S attorney named a year ago to investigate all things Clinton.


It turns out that whistleblowers inside and outside the Clinton Foundation have amassed “6,000 pages of evidence attached to a whistleblower submission filed secretly more than a year ago with the IRS and FBI.” Among that evidence can be found:


Those reviews flagged serious concerns about legal compliance, improper commingling of personal and charity business and “quid pro quo” promises made to donors while Hillary Clinton was secretary of State.


The submission also cites an interview its investigators conducted with Andrew Kessel that quotes the foundation’s longtime chief financial officer as saying he was unable to stop former President Clinton from “commingling” personal business and charitable activities inside the foundation and that he “knows where all the bodies are buried.”


Their own investigation! That’s hard to put down as politically motivated.


Having the chief financial officer of the Clinton Foundation turn informant is a nightmare for the Clintons. The CFO has to process all the cash, and because that person usually is on the hook for any criminal violations, there is ample incentive to turn state’s evidence.


That evidence was assembled by a private firm called MDA Analytics LLC, run by accomplished ex-federal criminal investigators, who alleged the Clinton Foundation engaged in illegal activities and may be liable for millions of dollars in delinquent taxes and penalties.


In addition to the IRS, the firm’s partners have had contact with prosecutors in the main Justice Department in Washington and FBI agents in Little Rock, Ark.

Anonymous ID: 8653a8 Dec. 8, 2018, 9:58 p.m. No.4223274   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3359 >>3456

Comey Confirms Lisa Page Helped Peter Strzok Draft Hillary Clinton’s Exoneration Statement


On Saturday, the House Committees released the 235-page transcript from Comey’s closed-door interview that was conducted on Friday.


The Committee on the House Judiciary joint with the Committee on Government Reform and Oversight interviewed fired FBI Director James Comey Friday in a closed-door session that was NOT UNDER OATH according to the transcript.


Comey was defiant in his interview with GOP lawmakers and said he “didn’t remember” 71 times, “didn’t know” 166 times and said “I don’t recall” 8 times.


The fired FBI boss did admit to a few things, however.


James Comey told lawmakers that former FBI lawyer Lisa Page helped her lover, Peter Strzok draft Hillary Clinton’s exoneration statement.


Peter Strzok is the FBI agent who changed the wording from “grossly negligent,” a term that would have brought potential Espionage Act charges against Hillary Clinton, to a softer, “extremely careless.”


Mr. Gowdy. Lisa Page, she was an attorney with the FBI in 2016. Is that right?


Mr. Comey. Lisa Page, yes, that is correct. Lisa Page was an attorney I think before 2016, but certainly during 2016 assigned to the Office of General Counsel.


Mr. Gowdy. What role did she have with the Clinton Espionage Act investigation?


Mr. Comey. Lisa Page’s role in the investigation into whether Hillary Clinton had mishandled classified information was in her capacity as a lawyer assigned to support the Deputy Director of the FBI, Andrew McCabe.


Mr. Gowdy. Did she assist you in drafting or editing your July 5th press statement?


Mr. Comey. I believe she did assist in drafting — or editing the statement of July 2016.


Mr. Gowdy. So, from January 2016 up until your July 5th press statement, it is fair to say that both Special Agent Peter Strzok and FBI Attorney Lisa Page were working on the Clinton Espionage Act or mishandling of classified information investigation?


Peter Strzok said during his congressional testimony in July of this year that he didn’t recall changing Hillary Clinton’s exoneration statement on his computer, but conceded the metadata indicated the change was made from his computer.


Strzok said a handful of people helped him with the exoneration statement, including FBI lawyers, but didn’t disclose Lisa Page’s name, the Washington Examiner reported.


“My recollection, sir, is that somebody within our office of general counsel did, it was one of the attorneys, I don’t remember which one,” Peter Strzok said. “It was a legal issue that one of the attorneys brought up.


“My recollection was that attorneys within the FBI had raised the concern that the use of gross negligence triggered a very specific legal meaning … particularly in one of the mishandling classified information statutes.”


So Peter Strzok couldn’t remember that his lover Lisa Page was one of the FBI attorneys who helped him soften the wording on Hillary’s exoneration statement even though the two were texting each other nonstop about how much they hated Donald Trump and desperately wanted Hillary Clinton to become president.


A text exchange between Peter Strzok and Lisa page just days before Comey’s July 5th presser exonerating Hillary proves that Lisa Page knew no charges would be brought against Hillary Clinton – now we know she was actively involved in changing the wording to exonerate Hillary.


“Timing looks like hell,” Strzok texted Page on July 1st referring to Loretta Lynch’s decision to accept Comey’s conclusion of the Clinton email investigation just days after the infamous tarmac meeting with Bill Clinton.


“Yeah, that is awful timing,” Lisa Page said in a response, later adding: “It’s a real profile in couragw [sic], since she knows no charges will be brought.“


Comey scoffed at the idea that there was any bias in the FBI during his Friday interview saying “Anybody that thinks we were on team Clinton trying to cut her a break is smoking something.”

Anonymous ID: 8653a8 Dec. 8, 2018, 10:11 p.m. No.4223363   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Shell Oil Executive Boasts That His Company Influenced the Paris Agreement


Shell oil helped write the Paris climate agreement, according to a top Royal Dutch Shell executive.


They’re also the world’s ninth-largest producer of greenhouse gas emissions.


The executive, Shell’s Chief Climate Change Adviser David Hone, made his comments at the international climate change conference COP 24 on Friday. Hone was candid about just how much of a hand his company — through their involvement with the International Emissions Trading Association — had in writing the Paris agreement.


The agreement is the centerpiece of the conference in Poland, where delegates are trying to draft a rulebook for how to implement it. IETA is a business lobby comprised of corporations including fossil fuel producers that pushes for “market-based climate solutions,” including at United Nations climate talks.


To hear him tell it, their involvement has been wildly successful. “We have had a process running for four years for the need of carbon unit trading to be part of the Paris agreement. We can take some credit for the fact that Article 6 [of the Paris agreement] is even there at all,” Hone said at an IETA side event within the Katowice, Poland, conference center. “We put together a straw proposal. Many of the elements of that straw proposal appear in the Paris agreement. We put together another straw proposal for the rulebook, and we saw some of that appear in the text.”


Jesse Bragg, communications director for Corporate Accountability, told me, “In some ways, I’m pretty thankful that Shell was so honest about what many campaigners have been saying for a long time: that the very corporations that created this crisis are at the table and writing the supposed solutions for getting us out of it.”


Under the U.N. Framework Convention on Climate Change, only state actors can officially negotiate over the text of climate agreements, including the Paris agreement. Unions, civil society groups, and corporations can be observers to that process.


Hone added that he’s been “chatting with some of the delegations” and that the “the [European Union’s] position is not that different from how Shell sees this.”

Anonymous ID: 8653a8 Dec. 8, 2018, 10:12 p.m. No.4223371   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3478

World in state of transformation, Russia needs to keep up - Putin


MOSCOW, December 8. /TASS/. The world is a state of transformation and Russia should do its best not to lag behind, Russian President Vladimir Putin said at a congress of the United Russia party on Saturday.


"The world on the whole is in a state of transformation. It is a very powerful and dynamically evolving transformation. Given we fail to find a way around in due time, given we fail to grasp in due time what and how we need to act, we might always end up in lagging behind," the Russian president said.


"It is a very dramatic situation in the history of our country. This dramatic situation is unfolding across the world as well as in our fate," he noted.


The United Russia party should employ its legislative and administrative potential and its human resources to unite and consolidate the citizens and to find solutions to nationwide problems, Putin concluded.

Anonymous ID: 8653a8 Dec. 8, 2018, 10:17 p.m. No.4223418   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Greater Israel project was the reason they went after Syria pipeline was part of that.


There are some Golan maps showing such I've seen I'll have a look