I Beg Of You… SEEK TO FIND THE MIRROR [image]!
The mirror is all around you.
The mirror is… within you.
The mirror is… creation.
Can you see?
Find the mirror and you can see the reflection.
Dear brother in Christ, would our mesiah use the F word?
Dirty reflection?
Does F reflecct the darkness or the light?
Think mirror.
Be the mirror.
You dig?
… and I beheld satan as [Barak O Bama].
Lightning from a high place of worship?
The LAST trump?
You better learn to tell time friend.
The clock is activated.
Think Mirror
What is the mirror?
Who is the mirror?
Where is the mirror?
What is a reflection?
Who is a reflection?
Where is the reflection?
How can you see the refelction if they keep hiding the mirror?
That is the bigest secret of all.
You didn't even know the mirror existed. Did you?
Find the mirror find the reflection.
Find the truth.
Jesus lives.
Jesus is a reflection of who?
Where would God hide the mirror?
He wouldn't, its all around you.
You just forgot that it was there.
You forgot how to see it.
We are here to give it back.
This is the rabbit hole you're looking for.
This Is A Mirror
This is a SECRET mirror.
It tells the 'secrets' of our world, if you know how to see it.
Can you see it?
We can.
We can teach you to see it too.
The eye - The World
What does an eye have to do with creation?
What does an eye look like?
How could the world resemble an eye?
You have more than you know.