Saying prayers today for all our departed loved ones. May GOD hold you close and give comfort to those you left behind.
We have loads in Ireland. They did seem to disappear for a few years though strangely.
Seeing that always makes me think of poor Christian Ranucci, the last man guillotined in France. He was an innocent 21 yr old.
If you are here, GOD bless you Fred. None of this would be possible without your genius!
Try Antergos linux anon. You'll never look back at Windows again. Only takes 15 minutes to install :)
My thoughts only. You do realise that Military tribunals will be talking place soon, Gen. Kelly may have a role to play there or in GITMO. As for Jeff Sessions, it just seems natural that he return as a Senator in the new year.. Again, these are just my thoughts.
These heros signed up to take one for the team anon. They did it without thought or hesitation, for us all. GOD bless them.
I'd take that option too anon :)
GITMO will be at Max. Capacity according to Q, another holding facility will also be needed.
It could have been upgraded to Morrocco's first city. You'd have a hard time tracking down a natural frenchman in Marseilles.
Likewise fren. We just gotta dig, meme and pray. All the heavy lifting is being done for us. We have real heros on the front line.
It sure does look that way anon. Preparations for round 'em up!
Doesn't fit with Occams razor kek.