It was a test. They all hit Nevada and went operations-dark.. Live skirmishes.. bunch of 'em scattered afterwards to different airports- training the newest batch of the nation's finest.
Best sauce I got.. and much more logical than the muh raiding area 51 DUMB bases chatter, so take it for what it is unless MIL decides to blogpost about it.
>fuck off bozo
<says the faggot who is inciting debate over an irrelevant article that's well over a year old based on it's screencap
Thanks for the filter, cockmongler. the entire universe is safer because you decided to filter someone who called out your bullshit tactics as little-dicked because you couldn't refute shit.
Thanks for confirming this slide is one of ((yours))
Sure; work on figuring out how to save more than a thumbnail of a picture.. it's been months now and you still can't get it right.
<still a thumbnail
<still a JIDF subversive
Never change.. so many laugh at your foolish attempts.. every day..
There's a quote somewhere, commonly attributed (of course, it wasn't actually him who said it) to (((Einstein))):
'Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.'
Noice.. that's some quality sauce for the epic planefaggotry that was habbening last night.
yeah yeah again with the completely "organic" "muhjew" (with it's entirely organic 250 search results) terms again re-read: definition of insanity. I pray you come to your senses, override your mindcontrol and fight against your masters that make you push this shit.
all those padded cells for ISIS, obviously, even though they essentially don't exist anymore, KEK.
Call the number and ask the military.. or do they not pay you enough to do so?