So why are you Giving that "attention whore" exactly what he wants… kek
Whatever, just find it amusing… but hey, to each their own
No, I know people claim Military Tribunals are about to unfold… Personally, I will wait until that actually happens before uncorking the champagne…
I don't know, and since I have no say in it, I could care less.. If they happen they happen, if they don't, they don't….
Who the hell knows? Just because something says there is activity there, that doesn't prove anything about tribunals… Hey if it happens, it happens… Will not get caught up in "dates" or "it's happening" scenarios…
Or perhaps it was rapid deployment training for moving troops and armor to border.. Or, maybe "we didn't use all the fuel we budgeted for the fiscal year, hurry get all those planes in the air now, burn that shit up".. Or ay one of a thousand more reasons… kek