We still got shit to handle in the States. Each man must take care of his own affairs so when it comes time to meet at the table we are unified by our independence. I stand by our french brothers but shit, Hillary is still jettison around the world with Huma Abedin. We got to take care of our own house first.
>Trip dubs on the Quad and dubs boob report
It would seemed based on the email chain "the woman is a serious person…" and Comey's testimony:
"I remember at one point receiving an email from someone, a private citizen, to my personal account, raising issues about the – is it Ping Pong? Whatever the pizza place was that was involved in some conspiracy theories. I remember sending it to my staff saying, make sure this gets to the appropriate place, but I don't know whether there were investigations."
This curious person was big mucky muck and a female. Even had Comey's personal email address. Be hilarious as fuck if it was Hillary.
>Who knows where the bodies are buried?