Anonymous ID: e6ed93 Dec. 9, 2018, 8:11 a.m. No.4226918   🗄️.is 🔗kun

FLASHBACK: Senate Unanimously Approved Trump’s AG Nominee in 1991 for the Same Post


FLASHBACK: Senate Unanimously Approved Trump’s AG Nominee in 1991 for the Same Post


"I know of no one on the Democratic side asking for a roll call vote," Biden said before Barr's confirmation vote. "I see no need for one."

By NTK Staff


President Trump nominated William Barr to be his next attorney general on Friday, a position that Barr previously held in former President George H.W. Bush’s administration and was unanimously confirmed by the United States Senate in 1991.


Then-Sen. Joe Biden (D-DE), who is a possible 2020 presidential candidate said, “Barr was so agreeable, the Senate should quickly approve him,” according to the Washington Examiner.


“I know of no one on the Democratic side asking for [a] roll call vote,” Biden said before Barr’s confirmation vote. “I see no need for one.”


The Senate then confirmed Barr to be the attorney general by a voice vote.

Anonymous ID: e6ed93 Dec. 9, 2018, 8:33 a.m. No.4227155   🗄️.is 🔗kun

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What do you get for pretending the danger's not real Meek and obedient you follow the leader.


No job loss in banking sector despite going cashless, says Kulasegaran


GEORGE TOWN: Human Resources Ministry today assured that going cashless will not result in reduction of manpower in the country's banking and financial sector.


Its Minister M. Kulasegaran said technological advances would instead make work more efficient and easier.


He said if the cashless model could work in India, it could be successful in Malaysia too.


“I remembered at the dawn of the Internet era, many people were afraid of losing their jobs. That, however, did not happen. Instead, more jobs were made available because of it.


“Just like before, going cashless does not mean that those serving in the banking and financial institutions will lose their jobs. The people should not fear this new system,” he told reporters after attending a forum on Employment Law at the Olive Tree Hotel, here, today.


He was answering a question from the floor on the risk faced by bank employees following Malaysia's plan to go cashless in the near future.


Elaborating further, Kulasegaran said going cashless would also help the government’s efforts in pinpointing recipients for targeted public subsidies.


“At the moment, everyone seems to be enjoying subsidies, even those who don't actually deserve it,” he said, relating his own experience when he was a practising lawyer, where he too enjoyed the blanket subsidies despite earning a five-figure salary.


“The Indian government introduced an identity card with biometric verification that successfully saw most of the country’s population having a digital identity.