Anonymous ID: 0d5bed Dec. 9, 2018, 10:44 a.m. No.4228559   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Q, Merkel is on her way to Marrakesh, to sign the Global Compact on Migration.

Each Migrant will then stand under UN-legislation, and we the citizens will stand under German legislation.

You cannot have two legislations in one county.

It will not take long and we'll change our national legislation then to UN-legislation.

Every migrant under special UN-legislation will be an "anchor" for the UN-legislation implanted in our country.

This is the way, the UN will colonise my country, until my country and our legislation is replaced by the UN's legislation.

If you do know something about Merkel that could make her stop, why won't you help us all in Europe?