>>4228178 (lb)
"Even a quick look at the Q-Anon community on Voat is enough to paint a portrait of families torn apart, relationships destroyed and people spiraling into mental illness. Here are a few examples from just one thread in which various conspiracy acolytes have convinced themselves that everyone else in their lives is brainwashed and crazy:
My Dad is completely mentally ill due to successful brainwashing. He is of the type that if its on TV its true. I just watched the most ridiculous hit piece on France. They did the whole ten minute bit, telling you what they want you to believe including the French man speaking French and talking over him in English telling you what he said. I pointed this out to my old man and he went off on me on how I am a mental patient and a sicko and need help , on and on and on. If he was not my dad and this was a regular argument, I was completely triggered too. I could have just went into rip roar rioting no problem until nothing was left.
There’s an entire comment thread on the same page devoted to not getting the flu shot, because many of them believe the flu shot is a conspiracy to infect people with the flu:"
They have gotten so dramatic
They just dont know what to write anymore, nothing is helping their push to Look away