>>4228158 lb
So nobody will notice any actual effects? No visible justice will be done? We're just going to have to keep trying to convince people to look up some obscure information from some unknown sources and sound like loons for the next decade. For fuck's sake make an example out of someone. Because these assholes are tearing this country up in the meantime, but hey I suppose you don't care. I want a show to stupify all the idiots in this country. I want shock and awe. I want people who have been so loud and so fucking rude and obnoxious to others to have to shut the fuck up forever. Don't pussyfoot around with this shit they are trying to destroy us. Destroy them and make everyone watch. It's been very frustrating trying to inform the useless morons in this country for nearly a decade before there was any qanon. There are many more like me and many more who have been at it even longer and with more vigor than me. Throw us a fucking bone goddamnit. People are being alienated from their fucking families. End this madness now.