The shills are working overtime today. Pushing the Comey shit, sliding with Cortez, plus the typical tag-team consensus cracking
Of course a soy-boy would think this
I'm with you, anon. Hopa Hey was my favorite TV show! I used to watch it while counting my shekels. No amount of foreskins can make me feel better
>third time this has happened in weeks
I know, some of those posts are mine. But now we have an explanation
Shills be like:
<She ran for president so that Trump would win. She's /ourgirl/ Notable, baker!!!
Sure thing, (((anon)))
Oh no, JIDF has reported me for hate crimes. I'm so sorry for breaking the law, rabbi. I will never forget the 6 trillion killed in the holocaust, and I humbly thank you for 9/11. You're our greatest ally