>"youre a kike/jidf/jew/rabbi" coming in 3… 2… 1…
Of course it is, and we will continue to counter your lies. Because we are truth-seekers in search of political solutions to our societal problems. anyone that comes here and stays, does so for that reason. Newfags will eventually investigate the facts on Jews we present here, because every day they will hear us assert that it really is the Jews behind every destructive agenda plaguing our societies. Digg on any one of these agendas, you'll find Jews at the bottom, instigating, funding, crony-positioning, bribing, and character-assassinating if not outright murdering their opposition:
anti-traditional fill-in-the-blank,
usury/financial fraud,
election fraud/vote-harvesting,
attacks on free speech/censorship,
attacks on gun rights/false-flags,
attacks on freedom of association (bake the cake!)
attacks on innocence/children (porn/trafficking)
excessive state control over private life, excessive depravity in arts & entertainment, excessive leftist bias in academia and MSM, excessive medicating and poisoning of environs,
excessive minority-stacking and discrimination v. whites in their own countries
excessive gaslighting of shame & guilt over muh racism and "white privilege"
lies, fraud, excess, destruction and control
CAN YOU JIDF SHILLS COUNTER OUR CLAIMS? Because if all you've got is more snarky sleight of hand, you might want to up your game. Shit's not working anymore.
The goyim know