another tell that the baker is comped: does not post links to fresh bread. faggot. Comey = FBIanon. faggot. Comey = White Hat. faggot.
new baker, plz.
another tell that the baker is comped: does not post links to fresh bread. faggot. Comey = FBIanon. faggot. Comey = White Hat. faggot.
new baker, plz.
and very, very young women.
we don't put up with this shit on the night shift.
fuck off with ZH notables. they attempt to publish here several times daily, and just who leaked that this is simply an exercise?
did you even bother to read? this is based on "The Drive", and "The Drive" offers no sauce other than "this happened last year".
not notable
how many other stars do you worship?