yet baker ignores the dozens of other posts proving otherwise.
BO BVs… has this baker been comfirmed?
wow… look at all those notables missed by the shill baker… meanwhile, he includes baseless and meaningless posts that claim comey is our guy.
thx for posting anon.
How are they getting in without being confirmed by BO or BVs??? this dude has been in the kitchen thru the overnight shift too?? makes no sense.
cool story homo.
the comey being our guy werent nominated for notable either fuck wad… in fact, they were shouted down by many anons but keep trying tho.
but thx for letting me know that ur a shill!!
I second this.
I made that meme 8 months ago faggot. not happy to see it being used by shills.
well said anon. thx.
thx fren!!! someone else posted the image, i just included the text. it was a joint effort.
he brought up her emails and then magically exonerated her of all wrong doing one week later, just in time for elections…
the james comey is a good guy bs is a total slide being orchestrated by a compd baker.
only shills would argue otherwise.