you will find the time is there to put your worn out libtard ideas to rest.
Racism is integral part of the human mind and état-d'être. Negating that is diminishing the human experience and degrading not only to yourself (if at all possible) but to all your 'fellow' 'men'.
It is the faculty of distinguishing that allows us to discriminate and is one of our major survival talents.
Libtards like to disagree about this because that is their only talent, being disagreeable. It is but the conservatives good-natured heart that keeps the libs alive at this point and that patient good-naturedness might wear out sooner than anticipated at this juncture.
The constant treason inherent in libs behavior starts to be seriously threatening group survival for westerners.
So don't be surprised if you catch an arrow all of a sudden, your sell-by date has expired long ago.