Anonymous ID: c740d6 Dec. 9, 2018, 10:13 a.m. No.4228190   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8196 >>8219 >>8242 >>8741

>>4227412 China summons US ambassador to logde 'strong protest' over Huawei arrest

>>4227544 EU army rolls into France to squash protests

>>4227603 Trump: Comey Told 245 Lies During Friday's Congressional Testimony

>>4227664 MI6's Spymaster Revealed How The UK Is Conducting "Fourth Generation Espionage"

>>4227688 ‘Leave our nation be’: French FM fires back at Trump’s tweet on Yellow Vest rallies

>>4227713 Organ harvesting in Mexico

>>4227721 CF link to child abuse

>>4227737 260+ injured & over 1.7k detained across France in latest Yellow Vest chaos

>>4227810 Farage Prepares New Party for ‘Biggest Battle Yet’

>>4227832 Merkel party member calls her signing the UN Migration Pact “An act of treason”

>>4227964 Michael Cohen was paid more than FOUR MILLION dollars for promising several companies, including AT&T, access to President Trump

>>4228055 Twitter Cofounder Evan Williams Unloaded Nearly Half Of His Twitter Stake Since April


All plan related WW. 'NEWS UNLOCKS MAP' who said that????


Mossad when your done hiding truth you can eat a bag of dicks then choke on them and die!

Anonymous ID: c740d6 Dec. 9, 2018, 10:15 a.m. No.4228211   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8228

‘System is broken’: Medical researchers still routinely hiding funding from Big Pharma


A huge proportion of scientists and doctors publishing in major medical magazines continue to conceal ties to corporations relevant to their research, while punishment for not declaring interests remains weak, says a new report.


“The system is broken,” Mehraneh Dorna Jafari, assistant professor of surgery at the University of California, Irvine, told the New York Times and ProPublica, an investigative journalism non-profit.


Jafari was one of the authors of a landmark study published back in August that took the names of the 100 doctors receiving the most funding from medical equipment and drug manufacturers, and then studied whether they declared a potential conflict of interest in their published research. Only 37 did.

Anonymous ID: c740d6 Dec. 9, 2018, 10:19 a.m. No.4228246   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8277

Brussels Police Detain 450 People in Yellow Vest Rally


As many as 450 people were detained in an unauthorized yellow vest protest in the Belgian capital of Brussels on Saturday, with 10 individuals having appeared in court, the city's prosecutor's office said.


"The Brussels Prosecutor's Office can provide the following information. At this stage, the issuing of arrest orders has been confirmed for 10 people," the prosecutor's office said in a statement, adding that as many as 450 people had been subject to administrative detention.


According to the statement, a minor was among those arrested by the police.


An unauthorized yellow vest rally began in Brussels at about 10:00 GMT on Saturday. The protest action has seen sporadic clashes between demonstrators and the police.


On November 30, yellow vests protests were held in Brussels, which resulted in dozens of detentions. The demonstration followed weeks of similar rallies against fuel tax increases, which have been raging in mainland France and its overseas territories since November 17.

Anonymous ID: c740d6 Dec. 9, 2018, 10:22 a.m. No.4228274   🗄️.is 🔗kun

North Carolina Elections Vice-Chair, Jens Lutz, Abruptly Resigns Amid Investigation Into NC-9 Election Fraud


In the latest chapter of the North Carolina election fraud saga, Vice Chair of the State Board of Elections Jens Lutz abruptly resigned last night. Things apparently got too hot to handle, and he began to feel…oh, I don't know, ill-equipped?… to manage the crisis properly. Judd Legum reported the resignation last night, writing in his newsletter:


Why? We don't know for sure but it may be related to his extensive connections to Leslie McCrae Dowless, the convicted felon at the center of the election fraud scandal in the 9th District.


Apparently, Lutz was helping to conduct the investigation into the elections shenanigans, but was also in business with one of the people he was investigating for said shenanigans, Leslie McCrae Dowless. Bad form. Also, illegal, probably. But, as Legum reports, not to worry. The actual CHAIR of the Board of Elections in North Carolina is not friends with McCrae Dowless. They're just cousins.


Confoundingly, Jens Lutz is a Democrat, but not for long, apparently. He seems to feel unwelcome, and his feelings are hurt by the way Dems are treating him right now. According to NBC's report,


"Overall, I'm a Democrat, but I've never been one to stay where I'm not wanted,” Lutz told WECT. “It came to my attention yesterday that some in the Democratic party are not happy with me. I'm getting hit on both sides, including my own party. I just thought it was time to step down."


Hard to tell if Lutz is guilty of gross incompetence or blatant criminality or both, but either way, I doubt either side is sad to have him off the scene.

Anonymous ID: c740d6 Dec. 9, 2018, 10:25 a.m. No.4228311   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Former Asst FBI Director Blasts Comey: ‘Confirmed Perception of Pretty Expansive Bias’


Former FBI Assistant Director Chris Swecker said former FBI Director James Comey “thoroughly discredited” himself and “broke every rule in the book.”


Comey held a closed-door six-hour bout of testimony to joint congressional committees earlier Friday. Comey reportedly answered questions regarding the Clinton email probe and the events surrounding his 2017 firing at the hands of President Trump.


Swecker, who served during the George W. Bush administration, said he worked with Comey and respected him but added that the Yonkers, N.Y. native made up new rules and leaked” information to the public.


“He basically confirmed the perception of the American people of pretty expansive bias on the part of himself and his inner circle,” Swecker said. “I think he’s been thoroughly discredited.”

Anonymous ID: c740d6 Dec. 9, 2018, 10:30 a.m. No.4228387   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8480 >>8488 >>8532 >>8694 >>8881

Large-Scale USAF War Drill Over Nevada Simulated Forcible Entry Maneuver: War Preparations


Dozens of US Air Force warplanes have hit the skies en masse under cover of night over the American Southwest for the Joint Forcible Entry Exercise (JFEX), December 08, reported The Drive.


The large-scale air mobility exercise, simulated forcible entry capabilities by the USAF of enemy territory with dozens of transport planes, fighter jets, and electronic warfare aircraft.

Anonymous ID: c740d6 Dec. 9, 2018, 10:33 a.m. No.4228416   🗄️.is 🔗kun

“Terrorism Made in America”: US Sponsored ISIS-Daesh “Pockets” Inside Iraq After More than Three Years of Fighting and US Bombings


An interview with Iraq's ambassador to Russia, Haidar Mansour Hadi


After four years of ISIS-Daesh terrorism sponsored by Obama, the ISIS which acted as a proxy terrorist organization on behalf of Washington has finally been defeated.


While a new government recently came to power in Iraq, ISIS nonetheless remains active in small pockets on the country’s border. At the same time, some Western analysts predict a resurgence of ISIS in Iraq, with a view to fomenting religious sectarianism.


In this interview the Iraqi ambassador to Russia, Haidar Mansour Hadi Al-Athari, talks to renowned journalist Edu Montesanti regarding the ongoing threat of these ISIS pockets within his country.


How are local governments is acting to avoid a return and resurgence of the ISIS-Daesh in a Iraq, a country with a longstanding history of culture religious tolerance and peace among Muslims, Jews and Christians.


Terrorism is a “Made in America” (“New Fashion) see (video, video and paper).


“Despite declaring victory over ISIS, however, there are small pockets still acting individually, which shows the defeat of a once strong ISIS to a very weak one,” rejoices Ambassador Haidar Hadi, in counterposition to media propaganda.


In this interview, Saddam Hussein’s regime is also addressed.




Edu Montesanti: Some say that the declaration of victory against ISIS late last year was premature. Arguing that the terrorist group remains a deep threat not only because of its own acumen as an insurgent movement, there are analysts stating that Iraq has failed to face the basic needs of the population, to remedy political and social divisions, and to forge a common national framework that unifies the country which soon paves the way for yet another devastating civil war as rival groups compete for control of the Iraqi state.


What are your thoughts on these described scenario, and to what extent has ISIS been defeated,


Ambassador Haidar Hadi: The declaration of victory in December 2017 came after more than three years of fighting the international terrorist organization.


This victory came as a result of joint efforts between the Iraqi Security forces, Counter-Terrorism Units, Kurdish Peshmerga, Popular Mobilisation Units, as well as the support of the coalition forces and Russia.


It was a well-deserved victory, not a premature one as some might describe it. We gave lives of innocent Iraqis and the destruction of our infrastructure, so the price of this victory has been heavy.


The Iraqi Government at the time of the fighting against ISIS had important tasks, achieved hand in hand with each other. One task was military, which was to fight the international terrorist organization and its affiliates, and the other task was to provide a safe haven for a large number of displaced Iraqis, forced to leave their homes by providing them basic needs or food, water, medical services and most importantly, a place to stay.


The Government also helped a large number of Iraqis to return to their homes after being liberated, and it was successful with the help of UNAMI [United Nations Iraq].


Fighting ISIS has brought Iraqis together, and made them closer than ever before due to the threat was against Iraq as a whole.


Declaring victory over ISIS proved that civil war was never a threīat in Iraq and will never be, due to the integration of the Iraqi society as Arabs, Kurds, Muslims, Christians, and other minorities live together for hundreds of years.

Anonymous ID: c740d6 Dec. 9, 2018, 10:35 a.m. No.4228449   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8464

Israeli, Russian military experts may meet in Moscow in coming days - Netanyahu


TEL AVIV, December 9. /TASS/. Israeli and Russian experts may gather for another meeting to discuss coordination on Syria in the coming days in Moscow, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told a government meeting on Sunday.


"I talked to Russian President Vladimir Putin yesterday. We agreed that the delegations of Russian and Israeli armies on coordination on Syria will meet as soon as possible. I hope this will be in the coming days, most likely in Moscow. And our meeting with President Putin will be held later," Netanyahu said, according to his press service.


Putin and Netanyahu held a phone conversation on Saturday at the initiative of the Israeli side, the Kremlin press service said. The sides reached an agreement to "work on the next personal meeting of the two countries’ leaders."


"This [phone conversation] was a follow-up to the talks in Paris, which were very crucial for ensuring the continuing cooperation, which the Russian Army and the Israeli Defense Forces have maintained for several years," Netanyahu said on Sunday.


The two leaders had a brief conversation in Paris on November 11 on the sidelines of the events marking the 100th anniversary of the World War I Armistice.


Netanyahu said he told the Russian leader on Saturday that the Jewish state would continue its policy to prevent the creation of Iran’s military bases in Syria and go on with its steps against the handover of high-precision weapons to Lebanon’s Hezbollah movement and its tunnels crossing into Israel.


On Tuesday, Israel’s Defense Forces launched Operation Northern Shield to expose and destroy tunnels, built by the Lebanese Shiite militant group Hezbollah, crossing into Israel.


On September 17, Russia’s Il-20 aircraft was accidently downed by Syrian air defenses over the Mediterranean Sea when it was returning to the Hmeymim airbase. Russian top brass said a missile from Syria’s S-200 system downed the aircraft when it targeted four Israeli F-16 fighter jets, which attacked facilities in Latakia. All 15 Russian crew members were killed in the tragedy. The Israeli Air Force and those who made the decision to use the Il-20 aircraft as cover are solely to blame for its crash, Russian Defense Ministry Spokesman Major General Igor Konashenkov said.

Anonymous ID: c740d6 Dec. 9, 2018, 10:43 a.m. No.4228540   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8694 >>8706 >>8881

Comey reveals he concealed Trump meeting memo from DOJ leaders


Former FBI Director James Comey revealed in closed-door testimony with House Republicans on Friday that he deliberately concealed an explosive memorandum about his one-on-one Oval Office meeting with President Trump in February 2017 from top Department of Justice officials.


The former FBI head also acknowledged that when the agency initiated its counterintelligence probe into possible collusion between Trump campaign officials and the Russian government in July 2016, investigators "didn't know whether we had anything" and that "in fact, when I was fired as director [in May 2017], I still didn't know whether there was anything to it."


His remarks square with testimony this summer from former FBI lawyer Lisa Page, whose anti-Trump texts became a focus of House GOP oversight efforts. Page told Congress in a closed-door deposition that "even as far as May 2017" – more than nine months after the counterintelligence probe commenced – "we still couldn't answer the question" as to whether Trump staff had improperly colluded with Russia.


Comey further testified on Friday that he and his aides were "all very concerned" about how the president had spoken of the probe into fired National Security Adviser Michael Flynn in a private Oval Office meeting, according to a 235-page transcript of his remarks released as a part of an agreement between House Republicans and Comey.


The fired FBI director wrote in his memorandum that Trump had told him, "I hope you can let this go," amid reports that Flynn had lied to the FBI and senior White House officials about his contacts with Russia's government.


But despite that concern, Comey told Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, that he and his team made a "judgment call" not to tell then-Attorney General Jeff Sessions or his lieutenants about Trump's comments, saying he thought Sessions would recuse himself "in a matter of days" from the Russia probe.

Anonymous ID: c740d6 Dec. 9, 2018, 10:51 a.m. No.4228653   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8694 >>8881

UK Keeps Destroying Evidence in Skripal Case - Russian Foreign Intel Chief


Last week, unnamed sources speaking to Western media claimed that British intelligence believed that Russian President Vladimir Putin personally approved the poisoning of Russian ex-spy Sergei Skripal and his daughter Yulia in March. Moscow has stressed repeatedly that London has yet to present any proof of Russian involvement in the case.


Russian Foreign Intelligence Service director Sergei Naryshkin has said that the truth in the Skripal case can be found only through a professional, joint investigation by both Russia and the UK, but that the British side has rejected all Russian offers to help and keeps destroying evidence.


"The Russian side, if you recall, immediately offered its readiness to participate and help in the investigation of this incident, this provocation. Unfortunately, the British side has not been forthcoming. Furthermore, the British side, as we see it, is constantly destroying evidence — [the Skripal's] pets, other objects. The Skripals themselves have not appeared," Naryshkin said, speaking to Russia's Channel 1 on Sunday.


According to the foreign intelligence chief, from the Russian side, the British investigation into the Skripal case currently looks like "a farce, a provocation."


Sergei and Yulia Skripal were found unconsious on a bench at a Salisbury shopping center on March 4. London almost immediately concluded that the pair were poisoned by a Russian military-grade nerve agent, and accused Moscow of staging the attack. The allegations led to a diplomatic row between the two countries which culminated the explusion of dozens of diplomats from each country and new anti-Russian sanctions by London's allies.


Russia has sent several dozen diplomatic notes to the UK calling for cooperation in the investigation of the Skripal case. London left these proposals unanswered, while accusing the Russian side of refusing to cooperate. Late last month, the Kremlin noted that British investigators have yet to share any information with the Russian side regarding the Skripal case. The Skripals themselves, said to have recovered from the poisoning attack, have not commented on the investigation since the summer, and remain hidden at an undisclosed location, according to UK authorities.

Anonymous ID: c740d6 Dec. 9, 2018, 10:54 a.m. No.4228681   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8923

Dutch hospitals to drop U.S. body brokers, cite ethical concerns


AMSTERDAM - Two major Dutch hospitals say they will stop importing human body parts from American firms, which they have been doing without any regulation for a decade.


The hospitals told Reuters in recent weeks they made their decisions on ethical grounds. The move comes amid investigations by U.S. law enforcement into some so-called body brokers - companies that obtain the dead, often through donation, dissect them and sell the parts for profit.


Earlier this year, Reuters reported that one broker under scrutiny by the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation - Portland, Oregon-based MedCure - has used a Dutch hub to distribute tens of thousands of kilograms of human body parts across Europe since 2012. U.S. authorities suspect MedCure sold body parts tainted with disease to American and foreign customers, a concern triggered in part by such shipments to Canada and Hong Kong, according to people familiar with the investigation.


Reuters found that importers of U.S. body parts included two Dutch hospitals. The news agency uncovered no evidence body parts used in the Netherlands were infected, but the Dutch hospitals said they would drop the suppliers in response to reporting by Reuters which raised questions about how the brokers acquired body donations.

Anonymous ID: c740d6 Dec. 9, 2018, 10:57 a.m. No.4228714   🗄️.is 🔗kun

PM Khan on U.S. Relations: We Don’t Want Pakistan ‘Treated Like a Hired Gun’


Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan, in commenting on ongoing tensions between Islamabad and Washington, said he does not want the United States to treat Pakistan “like a hired gun” in America’s war on terrorism, the Washington Post (WaPo) reported on Thursday.


In an exclusive interview with the Washington Post, Khan expressed his desire to have “a proper relationship with the U.S.,” noting, “I would never want to have a relationship where Pakistan is treated like a hired gun — given money to fight someone else’s war. We should never put ourselves in this position again. It not only cost us human lives, [the] devastation of our tribal areas, but it also cost us our dignity.”


Asked if he wanted relations between Pakistan and the United States to “warm up”, the prime minister responded, “Who would not want to be friends with a superpower?”


Khan dismissed repeated assertions by the Pentagon that Pakistan serves as a sanctuary for terrorist groups in Afghanistan, namely the Taliban and its Haqqani Network allies.


“When I came into power, I got a complete briefing from the security forces. They said that we have time and time again asked the Americans, ‘Can you tell us where the sanctuaries are, and we will go after them?’ There are no sanctuaries in Pakistan,” he told the Post.


Nevertheless, he did not discount the possibility that Afghan Taliban jihadis are freely moving across the Afghanistan-Pakistan border.


“There are no sanctuaries. If there are a few hundred, maybe 2,000 to 3,000 Taliban [jihadis] who move into Pakistan, they could easily move into these Afghan refugee camps,” he declared.


Regarding Trump’s recent request for assistance in achieving peace in Afghanistan, Khan said, “We will try our best. Putting pressure on the Taliban is easier said than done. Bear in mind that about 40 percent of Afghanistan is now out of the government’s hands.”


Kabul does not have control of about 45 percent of Afghanistan, the latest assessment by the U.S. Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction (SIGAR), a watchdog agency, shows.


This week, Islamabad issued a statement welcoming U.S. President Donald Trump’s decision to make political reconciliation between the Afghan Taliban and Kabul the primary goal of America’s strategy to end the more than 17-year-old war in Afghanistan.


The statement came in response to a letter Trump recently sent to Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan last month requesting “assistance and facilitation in achieving a negotiated settlement of the Afghan war.”


Trump sent the letter days after accusing Pakistan of “doing nothing” to combat terrorist groups, triggering a spat with PM Khan.


On November 19, Trump wrote on Twitter, “We no longer pay Pakistan billions of dollars because they would take our money and do nothing for us. Bin Laden being a prime example, Afghanistan being another. They were just one of many countries that take from the United States without giving anything in return. That’s ending!”


The Trump administration has suspended hundreds of millions in funding for Pakistan over Islamabad’s refusal to take decisive action against terrorist groups orchestrating attacks against U.S. troops in Afghanistan from Pakistani soil.


Under Trump, U.S. officials have intensified efforts to bring the Taliban to the peace negotiation table.


While Afghanistan was the deadliest country for jihad last year, “Pakistan recorded its lowest number of terror-related deaths [852] since 2006″ during the same period, the latest Global Terrorism Index revealed.


AsiaNational SecurityAfghan TalibanAfghanistanDonald Trump