Anonymous ID: 427c4b Dec. 9, 2018, 11:18 a.m. No.4228955   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9005 >>9016



Terrorists and their backers continue to pillage Syria’s antiquities

Since the start of the terrorist war against Syria, terrorist organizations and their backers have been stealing Syrian cultural heritage as part of a scheme to lay waste to Syria’s historical treasures.

Most recently, reports of the Directorate-General of Antiquities and Museums revealed an increase in the crimes of digging in search for antiquities in the areas of Manbej, Efreen and Idleb and the sites encircling Raqqa by terrorists and their supporters, namely the US, France and the Turkish regime.

Head of Antiquities and Museums Directorate Mahmoud Hammoud told SANA that US and French forces and the Syrian Democratic Forces (QSD) militias have engaged in excavations and thefts in Um al-Sarj mountain which is rich in antiquities, citing overt excavations and looting in Manbej’s main market.

He added that digging, looting and pillage are also taking place in the ancient tombs located in the eastern part of Manbej city, not to mention other archeological sites completely razed by heavy vehicles.

NOTE: I have said for many months that the cabal are looking for something, possibly the key to the bottomless pit


Army wipes out terrorist group tried to attack a military point in Hama Countryside

SANA reporter said that an army unit on Sunday tracked movement of a terrorist group trying to infiltrate form Morek town in the far north of Hama on the outskirts of the demilitarized zone in Idleb towards military points in the vicinity of Soran town and clashed with it using light and medium machineguns; The clash resulted in the killing of all members of the group.


Syrian Army Launches Attack On ISIS Positions Around Al-Tanf – Reports

The Syrian Arab Army (SAA) launched a military operation against ISIS cells around the 55km de-escalation zone, which surrounds the US-led coalition base in the border town of al-Tanaf, the Syrian pro-government al-Masdar News blog reported on December 9. It is not clear yet if the ongoing attack on ISIS positions around the de-escalation zone is a part of a long-awaited operation to neutralize all the remaining terrorists in the deserts of Homs and Damascus. The SAA began preparing for such an operation after liberating the area of al-Safa last month.


YPG Eliminates More Turkish-Backed Militants In Afrin

On December 9, the People’s Protection Units (YPG) announced that their cells had destroyed a vehicle of the Turkish-backed Sultan Murad Division near the town of Bulbul in the Kurdish area of Afrin a day earlier. Two militants were reportedly killed in the attack. Both Bulbul and Jandaris are located in the northern part of Afrin right next to the Turkish border. This shows that YPG cells are capable of operation deep inside the Turkish-occupied areas.

The Kurdish group has stepped up its operations in Afrin lately forcing the Turkish military and its proxies to take more security measures. However, these measures have failed to counter the YPG, which has a strong influence among the remaining locals in the area.


Military Situation In Northwestern Syria On December 9, 2018 (Map Update)

Anonymous ID: 427c4b Dec. 9, 2018, 11:21 a.m. No.4228974   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9479 >>9567

PEDOGATE: France Erupts as President’s Past Comes Back to Haunt Him


How Emmanuel Macron’s parents discovered their son was dating his 40-year-old teacher

New biography reveals shocked reaction to new President’s illicit teenage affair with the woman who would become his wife


A new biography of French President Emmanuel Macron has revealed his parents shock when they discovered their 16-year-old son was having an affair with his married teacher.


Much has been made of the fact that centrist Mr Macron is married to Brigitte Trogneux, a woman 24 years his senior he met as a 15-year-old schoolboy when she was a teacher at La Providence, a private school in Amiens, northern France.


Writer Anne Fulda, who penned the book Emmanuel Macron: A Perfect Young Man, spoke to the politician’s parents about the scandalous affair that began while Ms Trogneux was a 39-year-old married mother-of-three.

Anonymous ID: 427c4b Dec. 9, 2018, 11:23 a.m. No.4229002   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9149 >>9458 >>9652 >>9724

A few tidbits about the Rothschild clan – with a little Bronfman connection


The infamous Rothschild clan, one of the largest banking families on the globe, once commissioned a family tree investigation.


A certain Uri Friebene shows up circa 1430.


Mayer Amschel Bauer, in honor of his first son being born, and his growing counting house in the Frankfurt Jewish ghetto, hung a red hexagram up as a herald and advertisement. Known earlier as the Seal of Solomon it is two pyramids, tangential, one up, one down. The family became famous as the “Red Shield,” or “Roths-childs,” in German.


Solomon, a legendary Israeli King was known to have married into the Egyptian empire and the Pharaoh’s daughter gifted him a ring with the symbol, hence it became known as the Star of David. In the legend, Solomon is reputed to have completed his great temple with the help of jinn, or demons in Arabic.


The son, Mayer Amschel Rothschild, arranged some 18 marriages for members of his growing empire in Europe and Great Britain. Twelve of them were between cousins, the clan believing endogamy would ensure control of their wealth within family hands.


The Rothschilds cozied up to the Hapsburgs and the Hesse Royals, eventually becoming the Bank of England. It was a Rothschild who commissioned Jesuit scholar Adam Weishaupt to organize a secret group, later exposed by Bavarian police, as a conspiracy, called the ‘Illuminati’.


There are probably thousands of conspiracy “rabbit-holes” investigators have gone down in search of this elusive group. If they still exist, how much power do they wield? Are there human sacrifice practices involved in their rituals?


In 1846, London’s Independent newspaper ran a story “The Rothschild Libel” reporting on a political pamphlet that went in a sense Belgium “viral” and was signed “Satan”.


Charles Taze Russel, founder of the Jehovah Witnesses, wrote a letter to Lord Rothschild, sent from Palestine, about an ersatz Israel lining out how Jews could re-take the “holyland”.


With excessive wealth, the Rothschilds began to hold elaborate socialite gatherings. Surrealist artist Salvador Dali created massive headdresses for a ball held in 1972 at the Chateau deFerrieres. The leaked photos show dismembered baby dolls, taxidermy animals,and references to cannibal dishes. In line with the theme, horror filmmaker, Roman Polanski filmed some of his “9th Gate” film at the location. Polanski is in exile for child sexual slavery charges and is of course the survivor of the Manson Family murders at his mansion in Los Angeles.

Anonymous ID: 427c4b Dec. 9, 2018, 11:27 a.m. No.4229046   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9054 >>9149 >>9166 >>9458 >>9652

Deep State Engineered Sessions’ Recusal! – Comey Withheld Info From Sessions Because He Knew About His Recusal Beforehand


On Saturday, the House Committees released the 235-page transcript from Comey’s closed-door interview that was conducted on Friday.


Comey was defiant in his interview with GOP lawmakers and said he “didn’t remember” 71 times, “didn’t know” 166 times and said “I don’t recall” 8 times.


The fired FBI boss did admit to a few things, however.


James Comey testified that he withheld information from Attorney General Jeff Sessions about his meeting with Donald Trump.

Comey and the Obama Deep State engineered Sessions’s recusal!