Anonymous ID: 81f98a Dec. 9, 2018, 1:48 p.m. No.4230521   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>0548 >>0568 >>0577 >>0606 >>0694 >>0748 >>1019 >>1067 >>1110

>>4230372 (last break)

Right, we're stupid. People who look at the entire picture, update themselves on any/all rhetoric and stances about an issue and logically piece together a response based on all available data while not being afraid to directly address the morons who want to blame everything on one group are clearly "stupid" and the ones who repeat the same tired bullshit again and again to divide are clearly the enlightened ones.


Let me explain something to you. Your bullshit has absolutely no effect on true anons, none. Every single one of your posts has intention to blame one group and cause chaos and drama. Maybe you are being paid to do it, maybe you truly want to kill them all off, maybe you're just a true born loser with absolutely nothing going for you and literally having nothing better to do than try to cause drama. I don't know, I don't care, I will never care. I support the United States and I support the allies and friends to the United States. Nothing else matters and your bullshit will not change that as you are akin to a fly buzzing around. Annoyance? Yes. Threat/something to worry about? Absolutely not. Why? Because if things went down and you tried to pull your "blame the Jews, get em'!" bullshit I, and I know many others like me, would literally crucify you to help cleanse the world of your indoctrinated and poisonous bullshit narratives.


Most people stand by and watch you idiots rant on and on about your moronic narratives that is like a repeating pattern of stupidity and, granted, I am typically one of the quieter anons on here and only post when I feel it is necessary but if you think that true Americans are going to stand by and watch despicable fucks like you try to sew discord than you are gravely mistaken because as I see it, you are the enemy and I have the scars and service time to defend that statement. So you may wish to alter your argument, come to your senses and, at the very least, be fair in your process (that is all anyone can ask) because this shit you and your ilk try to pull to cause chaos is coming to an end and when it does people like you will not have any rocks to flea under. God Bless you, I wish you the best of luck with that "anon".

Anonymous ID: 81f98a Dec. 9, 2018, 2:01 p.m. No.4230647   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>0673 >>0686 >>0869 >>1192


Calling someone "new" is not an insult, come up with a new one. That said I am (probably) one of the older anons you would ever find considering I was there during the rickshaw days before /pol/ even became /pol/. Sidenote: Award to anyone who can tell me what the original intent of the forum was aimed at, pretty humorous actually.


It's true we shouldn't respond to shills but given that the date given to us is fast approaching I have noticed a large uptick in anti this/that talk so I wanted to make sure they realized that their bullshit banter has absolutely no effect on any true anon. Psychologically speaking that has a great effect on low energy/beta doofus goobers as their entire world revolves around their self belief that they matter. It is the responsibility of the alpha type males to make sure they know their place and crawl back into their hole of self doubt. I mean, fuck, look what has happened to the world since that stopped happening. Look at the dysfunction, look at how in awe they are by Trump thinking he is a meanie poo poo head for telling them "no". They must be treated like children. Retarded children who are trying to get an extra apple sauce but retarded children needing to be whacked with the reality stick all the same. All you young men out there should take note of that and never allow bullshit to occur in your presence, you have more power than you think and those weasels will always cower to you when you do.

Anonymous ID: 81f98a Dec. 9, 2018, 2:04 p.m. No.4230687   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>0771


I don't speak for all anons, true, absolutely true. What I wrote though is that "TRUE" anons won't buy into the bullshit. Am I wrong? What is a 'true anon"? Someone who cares about the investigation, has no ulterior motives/agenda, follows the facts and confronts people who are trying to do the opposite. You, for example, you have one narrative, one, that's it, nothing else, just one. Do you consider yourself a true anon? You're not, you're an NPC.


I am now done speaking with you, you have my permission to carry on.

Anonymous ID: 81f98a Dec. 9, 2018, 2:07 p.m. No.4230722   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>0743 >>0759


Well the chans originated from another forum (another award if you can name it) which originated from what was called the "Rickshaw alert" forums in the late 90s.


The first true incarnation of what would eventually become the chans had it's version of politically incorrect but the main channel was actually dedicated to someone else that was a big deal back then. I was merely curious if anyone was around then and remembers it. Fun and funny days for sure.

Anonymous ID: 81f98a Dec. 9, 2018, 2:22 p.m. No.4230909   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>1016


What I am saying is the words he used. Altering his statement makes both him look bad and also anons for not having the ability to properly cite a simply quote and/or altering it to meet a narrative. That is what the fake new media does and anyone who seeks truth and facts should steer clear of it. His quote said "fake news" which is important because it puts the media on notice but also isn't a threat to the media.


Now all else you mentioned, yeah, I am with you in terms of their control of that which is a problem but all I was referring to was we can't misquote him as the fake news runs with that shit and the lemmings sit in wait for shit like that.

Anonymous ID: 81f98a Dec. 9, 2018, 2:25 p.m. No.4230952   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>1028


>How do you know who's good and who's not?


LLI, experience, the fact that the tactics never really change, knowing their counters inside and out, being trained to spot them by excellent trainers, growing up with a narcissistic parent thus learning early on how to spot guile/deception and those employing different tactics to get their way, being an individual who literally only cares about the well being of his nation and is fully prepared to die for it if needed. Take your pick.

Anonymous ID: 81f98a Dec. 9, 2018, 2:39 p.m. No.4231140   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>1165


Hah, like I said in the last breakd (!!) I fully agree those bad elements need to be handled. Do you idiots even try to do any due diligence before spewing your hatred? You are literally trying to attack someone who agrees that there are bad elements from that group needing to be handled. That should be brought up and I doubt anyone would disagree. What shouldn't be brought up is "Jews this/that" as it means you think they ALL are involved, completely invalidates any good work done and focuses on stupid racial issues which I simply cannot put into words with how fed up I am with hearing about.


At this point I literally start laughing every single time someone both online and off tries to either blame some group for all the ills in the world or the opposite, tries to accuse people of racism, sexism, every ism in the book. It's literally a comedy act at this point and I highly doubt any rational human being takes it seriously other than to eye roll about.

Anonymous ID: 81f98a Dec. 9, 2018, 2:47 p.m. No.4231242   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


Awhile back I was working on looking into something (unrelated to any of this) that had to do with internet network groups dedicated to pushing narratives and derailing important data. Anyhow, one of the people I was working with was able to meet up and go under with one such group and they kept logs of the "training" offered. A few interesting takeaways to how they try to derail on /pol/ among others.


1) Use a full spectrum of pictures in every post as people usually draw toward them to see what is in the picture. Therefore every shill is to use a max number of repeated photos again and again with every post no matter to content of post to try to indoctrinate people to the content of the picture. The messages are not the point, the pictures are.


2) Whenever someone counters an argument in a logical or intelligent manner always respond by throwing out words or accusations that have little to nothing to do with the point at hand. This causes confusion and allows the shill to sit back while the responder derails the thread on their own.


Need I go on? Do you truly think that people are not wise to these tactics. You're still learning the language, I wrote the fucking book in the late 90s.