What is the bible verse where Jesus btfo the jooz?
Wait why are we opposed to Israel?
Stanley Jewbrick?
Dollar support for with Iraq…
I’m all for gassing judadiah…
Mainly was trying to bait for joo memes.
Instead, politely, can i be showered in joo memes?
You see Rob D Steele hint about Pence? >>4232263
rds sits on the board of the judicial blah blah for human trafficking. He’s a shill?
{{{I know}}}
I’m still so fuggin proud wakin’r up errrryday with faggots as my bestie frens.
Revolution WW anons.
Wearing yellow/green.
Lookin’ like frogs.
Proud af with all of you.
Were gassing kykes newfag growdown
All you can huff zyklon Buffet