^Notables update
Schedulefag, tippy top work on this! Here's another committee worth watching IMO:
Senate Banking and Boring Shit Committee –Dec 11, 10am
Rationale follows. Kinda a copypasta from earlier, but easier than retyping the whole thing.
Okay, been lurking on the schedules for Congress. Some shit popped out about the upcoming Banking Committee hearings on Dec 11th. It is involving Securities and Exchange Commission oversight. They're the faggots who watch the faggots who commit faggotry with your money, aka: bankers.
With trump putting [THE FED] in a killbox lately, this is something worth paying attention to. The SEC is the group who is going to have the most access to the money related crimes of these evil people, as their financial control comes crashing down. It IS coming down, the corruption in this country is merely the armor for the machine that controls us: the fiat currency system. Once the corruption is cleaned up, its done for. X22 Report on YouTube has a lot of good updates on that end.
Last month, on the 30th, the committee met, and discussed money anti-laundering improvements.
Sauce: https://www.banking.senate.gov/newsroom/majority/11/30/2018/crapo-statement-at-money-laundering-hearing
Some quotes from Chairman Crapo:
“Senator Sasse correctly assessed that the anti-money laundering regime must constantly innovate to keep up with the bad actors (his words, not mine!!!!!) that continuously update their methods of accessing the U.S. financial system."
“In that regard, and since we last intended to hold this hearing, an arrest was reported of a senior FinCEN employee for unlawfully removing and disclosing to a member of the media Suspicious Activity Reports or ‘SARs,’ which were held in FinCEN’s custody. "
Pretty sure Crapo (it's pronounced cray-po, faggots), is /our guy/.
Supported Trump in 2016.
Part of the group who cockblocked Obama on Merrick Garland's appointment.
Mormon…well, no ones perfect.
They are meeting again on Dec 11th, and here's the schedule sauce:
Anons, this could be yuge! The guy is talking about "bad actors" getting away with money laundering, and a couple weeks later they are throwing oversight at the SEC. If you want to catch CF (and a metric shitton of others) in money laundering, wouldn't you have to improve laundering detection and enforcement? And wouldn't the prime body for finding evidence be the SEC?
I'm going to see if I can get the transcripts, if so I'll post crumbs and sauce here later.