lb… ey frens: just wanna sort this out what with all division faggin. these two anons seem legit so want to ref:
Mexi Anon has a point regarding the power of cartel over official "plata o playa" thats the choice. Further right now in the breads tonight theres a notable about political influence in deciding judges in U.S.
Since, the senate advises and consents on judge appointment blame the fucking cabalfags for pushing the amendment to make senators subject to regular federal electoral voting. Before then, each state could decide how to choose senators be it appointment or election or whatever.
The 100 decisions where rooted in systems uniques across the union and rooted in state politics.
US Anon has a point about corruption in Mexico: as long as PRI has shit on lock it has been uniparty with exception of AMLO and Fox. that goes back as far as I know possibly to founding at turn of 19th-20th century.
final note to help tgis along: my grandfather used to point at a map when I'd say americans to distinguish from Mexicans and ask "what continent are we on dummy? They's Americans too." maybe we should bring back yankee to distinguish ourselves from people of other countries.
oh and unrelated but while talking history: yes indeed prior to Woodrow Wilson fuckery the Federal Government did self-finance itself pretty much only with tariffs and levies.
Love you guys
no homo