I do know this as a personal matter. Paperclip is real. Long before I ever heard the word, I grew up with a best friend who's father was brought over from Germany after WWII. He was immediately employed at NASA in Cleveland. We were early teen friends.
One morning, I went to see her. She was upstairs in her moms sewing room, looking through that "compartment box" usually used for bobbins, machine parts, etc. It was full of rings that looked EXACTLY like this. [pic related]
There were at least 60 of these in that small 8x10 plastic opaque box of maybe 48 compartments, an inch by two inches or so each.
Curious (I was about 11 years old) I asked her what they were?
She explained that before he died, her dad told her they were rings made from the silver fillings of the teeth of the Jews at the camps. Apparently her father knew about it, was upset by it, and brought them over for evidence.
I often thought her dad was murdered.
Anyway, during that conversation, she told me about making lampshades out of the skin.
I'll never forget. Totally grossed both of us out.