Changa blend. Lots of different herbs.
The herbs help explain things that I need to hear about myself, and things..
Geometry? yes it is.. and everyone of them is alive. Its like.. ascended humans, or beings with no sense of time. I realize that my body and "me" is my vibration and thats it.
If I stay the same its only my vibration..
So only me is 1D.
Me and time is 2D.
Me + time + someone else is 3D = contaxt and substance.
me+time+others+experience is 4D.
5D? all of us connected, telepathy etc
Laughter is the structure of 4D. When you laugh time seems to stand still, or move faster.
Laughter is the embodyment of 4D it told me.
Its strange how it works but they are… "alive".
Hate? the "chosen" one to lead you either to break you so u get it, or redirect you towards love.
I dunno.. i dont know anything it seems when I go in.