Hello NIGHT SHIFT Frens.
Had a brain fart regarding school shootings that I would like to present to you.
Ask yourself how is it these School/Mass Shootings are orchestrated without a hitch. Yet, you very rarely see a disgruntled worker or pissed off American execute the same results when they go postal over there job or Government.
Your average insane anti-guberment psychos(IAGP) are most likely to be 2-3 times the age of your average school shooter. That being said Common sense would tell us a IAGP would have developed much more self-contain pure hatred spanning decades.
More years than the age of these school shooters.
So you would think the ratio of Teen shooters to IAGP shooters would be the opposite. IMO…..Their stabbing Americans in the back with a double edge sword. IAGP's body count lower, and lower number of shootings installs fear of powerful Gov in average American while at the same time same American wants more Gov/regulations to protect us from Teen Shooters.
Then these shooting are promoted by MSM aka FAKE NEWS projected everywhere to reach the masses. So my new rule of thumb is, the more Fake News promotes it, the higher the devastation, the lower the age of the shooter, the higher the probability the Shooting was staged/faked/planned.
I also believe the QOTUS interveined in the FL shooting. What I mean is the D-S planned to kill real students, Q-team knew this and sent in their good actors to play the roles of D-S actors. Make the enemy feel as if they completed their (sick) mission successfully. I hope and pray no kids really died there and some Q-Patriots pulled the fire alarm in order to clear the school on Feb 14th, so they could plant already deceased bodies.
Good night FRENS