Anonymous ID: 3a9a6d Dec. 10, 2018, 7:19 a.m. No.4239515   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9524 >>9539 >>9541 >>9582 >>9708


>Nazis were against the deep state you utter faggot newfag.

Let's just clear something up here kikes. The average Nazi was a guy doing what he thought was best for his homeland and his family. That cannot be disputed. Millions of people did not go to fight and die for hate, they did it because they were told they had to like the American soldiers, like every other Army in existence the deepstate played.


The Nazi's played the roll of lackey to the deepstate. Here's the proof, the Balfour Declaration which declares the outcome of World War 2 before the end of World War 1. How coincidental that the Crown and the Zionists both worked together to create Israel.


Even more disturbing are the ancient roots of the Swastika and the Hexagram. Many will say the swastika came from the ancient Indus but in fact the swastika and the hexagram can be found together in Ancient Armenia circa 4500BCE. Even more disturbing is the wheel of life which can be found across the ancient world, and the gods that accompany that belief system somehow magically manifested across the entire the entire ancient planet. It wasn't aliens, it was the fact that a global exodus happened during the stone ages and they took their belief system which was defined by the forces that governed their life, like birth, death, the sun, the rain all concepts manifested by similar deities.


That's how they control everything, they don't tell you about how the world was before they controlled everything. As far as (((common core))) goes the first cross continental trade in Asia was fucking Marco Polo and it wasn't. The proof is their symbols and their gods, their vanity sells them out across time.


But back to the Nazi's. They proudly wear the symbol of Deutsche Bank (The SS were likely aware of this) and the swastika originally meant Cattle. Deutsche Bank used the Nazi's and sacrificed them like cattle for their gods, the same gods spread during the global exodus, the same gods they sacrifice the people they kill in their false flags too, the same gods they have Planned Parenthood for. They killed the browshirts like fucking cattle, they sent them to their death in a Russian Winter, they used them as scapegoats to further trick the goyim during the Nuremburg trials (the same place controlled by (((them))) to this fucking day). Hitler may or many not have believed the shit he was saying, nobody can tell, but the end result is the Zionist and the Crown got what they came for, the Germans got fucking played, the Americans got fucking played and the actual disgusting kikes the perpetrated the entire thing got off scott fucking free, wrote the history books, created the websites everybody uses, created all the media companies everybody uses, and for those of us who knew they were controlled they offered us 'truth' in the form of /pol/ and then even there they stopped our understanding of history at the holohoax and who the fuck to blame.


Muslim Brotherhood == Saudi lackeys (House of Saud)

B'nai B'rith == Zionist lackeys (Rothchilds)

Freemason == Jesuit lackeys (Vatican/Holy See)


ADL was created by the B'nai B'rith and the Freemasons. They exist to distract you from looking futher. Try to look further instead of regurgitating /pol/ propaganda newfag.

Anonymous ID: 3a9a6d Dec. 10, 2018, 7:24 a.m. No.4239563   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9585


It doesn't matter what you say (26) everything posted here is looked at by thousands. A cursory look for 'Balfour Declaration' and you will find the documents validity isn't even in question. Now look at the date and tell me if it happened before of after WW1 and before and after WW2.

Anonymous ID: 3a9a6d Dec. 10, 2018, 7:28 a.m. No.4239599   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9619


All you're proving is Hitler was too weak to realize his dream (30). Too weak to stand against the banks (30). Too pathetic to carry the people whom he told had to fight to victory and instead left them to die in a cold Russian Winter. The genocide nobody talks about.

Anonymous ID: 3a9a6d Dec. 10, 2018, 7:33 a.m. No.4239652   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Hitler may or may not have been sincere, but the end result is he did not get the job done and there were significant repercussions for his failure either intentional or because he couldn't get it done.

Anonymous ID: 3a9a6d Dec. 10, 2018, 7:36 a.m. No.4239680   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9692


The absolute best (((tricks))) are 70% truth and 30% subversion.

>Why is it they are considered the ultimate evil while the communists who killed way more people in peacetime get their crimes whitewashed?

Because the average brownshirt is the ultimate scapegoat, cattle to be sacrificed to this day.