Threw Veolia (PB notable) into
Highly suspicious. Then threw in Veolia Foundation - which is apparently tied to other foundations - shocking.
from the WVa Veolia Foundation grant:
"Therefore the goal of this proposal is to employ earth observations to predict the risk of outbreak (trigger and transmission) of cholera in the environment and human populations in Africa and thereafter develop a comprehensive capacity building plan to engage end-users to incorporate this information into decision making so that appropriate intervention strategies can be devised and deployed. Focusing exclusively on AFRIGEOSS regions two goals to advance the predictive science for cholera are to: (i) systematically validate the epidemic and endemic cholera hypothesis for the trigger component of cholera and (ii) develop calibrate and validate predictive model for the transmission component of cholera. A new class of compartmental model namely the cholera transmission model (ctm) is proposed.
This process based mechanistic modeling framework integrates earth observations with ecological understanding of cholera to determine potential pathways of interaction of vibrios with the human population. We have partnered with Group of Earth Observations (GEO) secretariat Veolia Foundation Health Initiatives Foundation and team of advisors from NASA and NOAA to develop plans on building capacity in AFRIGEOSS region for transition integration and sustained use of our algorithms for prediction of cholera. "
Will keep digging on the Veolia (without the foundation) track.