I got it, but it made me hungry and I had to get a bite.
Although his acting is almost on par with when he was in office, the dread he feels comes through in this.
"Jungle 'plant"
It prevents a block of medicaid for non-abortion services from PP.
I know that they do nothing but abortions. WTF?
This was a few states fighting over blocking medicaid funds to PP.
If Kav would have dissented, it would have still gone through. He's waiting to save the babies when it deals with the whole country.
Pick the battles.
Had no clue on the number but that doesn't matter.
If it wouldn't overturn Roe v. Wade, it's not worth it.
Nice family of NPC's there.
Came right outta nowhere. With an acting skill better than Reagan in his heyday. Certainly had comedic timing and gestures down pat.
This is why they can pull the victim card via MSM. Until hard proof (servers) are disclosed, they will get to do this pony show.
Chek'd and love you.