If Yoko Abe,Shinzo Abes Mother was the Godmother;
Nobusuke Kishi (Abe’s grandfather) is former Prime Minister;
Shintaro Abe as the Prince of Politics;
Shinzo Abe is a child of destiny;
Wouldn't that make'''
Yoko Abe as the Godmother
Nobusuke Kishi as Former Prime Minister
Shintaro Abe as Foreign Minister and
Shinzo Abe as Prime Minister
Godfather 3?
A slender man with owlish, dark-framed glasses, Abe was considered the prince of Japanese politics because of his impressive credentials and prestigious family background. http://articles.latimes.com/1991-05-16/news/mn-2534_1_prime-minister
Anecdotes about Political Figures/Trump Phenomenon and Japan-US Relations
・Yoko Abe, “Shinzo is a child of destiny,” Bungeishunju, June issueIn a long interview with Bungeishunju, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s mother Yoko Abe speaks about her father, former Prime Minister Nobusuke Kishi (Abe’s grandfather); her husband, former Minister for Foreign Affairs Shintaro Abe (Abe’s father); and her second son (Abe), shedding light on three generations of the backstage of politics. This is the first interview she has given since the beginning of the second Abe administration, but as this is the 25th anniversary of her husband’s death, she was willing to give this rare interview. She also stated “I intend to make this the last time I respond to an interview for the media.” http://fpcj.jp/en/j_views-en/magazine_articles-en/p=43635/