He's lying, and I can only assume it's because POTUS told him not to say more.
They (this includes your govt) want the UK to be so fucked if they leave the EU, that you're forced to stay.
Read the commentsโฆ. the world is WAKING UP.
>What kind of racket does the MSM run that their staff refuses to whisteblow?
Who's going to investigate it? Their DS government? Who's going to report it? Their DS MSM?
Without Trump, people in those countries are fucked.
Agreed. It's Shillary.
Looks like Moochelle.
The Devil in the book is Anna Wintour of Vogue.
The Q chatter is really ramping up. It's gotta be coming.
Or Comey has been in on the POTUS plan from the beginning.
Personally, I think Q started either right after HUSSEIN was elected the first time, and Trump was involved after HUSSEIN elected the second time. Possibly as far back as the first-with him vocally calling out the validity of the birth certificate.