The Choice To Know Will Ultimately Be Yours. The Question may need to be forced.
A letter to my son… here is what they will not teach you in School. This is the truth and few people know the truth. Keep this and read it when you have time. Love, Dad.🤫
Future Proves Past. The Great Awakening is upon us. The choice to know will ultimately be yours.
“In the early 1800′s, the Illuminati decided to infiltrate the Vatican from within..”
This line is the vatican orgs disinformation in order to disassociate our history & replace with myths.
They have removed the canon laws from public view circa 1917 : “The Covens of Azazel are legally defined, as The Papal The Royal & The Federal Covens of Selene.”
“George Elizabeth(Lilith) & Alexander(Azazel) created the VATICAN, which is the Temple of SET (whom common man calls ‘Satan’).”
The truth: Freemasons were created by Elizabeth & Alexander. Illuminati were created by Papal.
“Illi & Illumi” are the Babylon names for their god El. The greys.
The VATICAN is the Overseers council, for the prisoners of war humans. They are in direct contact.
The 13 families are UNDER the Vatican, not above.
In 1917 they broke up the Pharaoh’s power structure to protect Lilith from another uprising. The Vatican is the Legislative Branch(worldwide) QE is exec. branch, Federals are Judicial branch & because they’re also the Masons, they control the money system.
The evil must be vanquished for the light to shine brightly for those who follow after us. This is for our children's children, and their children. History Books!
The Eye of The Storm is over us.