Exciting time to be alive! Thank you Mr. President, the rest of the Q team, and patriots around the world. Also, may God bless the good people of France.
I had a very interesting dream just last night.
An obscure reporter finally asked POTUS directly about Q and he said "I won't answer the question directly, but what I will tell you is that you won't believe what's about to take place. You won't believe what is going to happen in the new couple of weeks."
I don't take much stock in dreams, but Q seems VERY straight forward and fired up today. We are on the precipice if not already descending from the top of a major mountain. Brace for WHITE SQUALL impact!
No, no. I've come to understand the meaning behind "think mirror". It's two fold:
Projection - those most corrupt project their own criminal actions and deviant behavior onto POTUS and patriots.
POTUS and team are in the position to use all of the overreaching, yet legal, laws and spying apparatuses, which were put into place for evil purposes against the American people, to expose, arrest and convict all of the traitors to our country. In other words, using their own nefarious schemes against them.
Macron and May. Tic Toc.