>>4242132 (pb)
What about the 280 million in aid to South Africa despite the March 2019 land confiscation order… and the refusal to accept white SA refugees…
KEK divide us….if people were half as scared as you claim they are they'd be hiding out keeping their mouths shut not blasting Trump For Jail everywhere 24/7. Are they worried? Possibly. who knows..can't tell from here. They own the media and as far as I can tell the media is having zero issues controlling the narrative. NOT one thing that has come out has made a bit of difference. Of course, this could be the plan. Keep us mollified.
France has made more progress in their few short weeks than we have in nearly two years. Meme on SM that bans us…ok.
Drops, nice, advanced knowledge, nice..great. Panic button pushed? Whose? Where? If a tree falls in a forest and no one reports on it, has it still fallen? at this point he's going to have to have a live national news conference to announce anything. And then afterwards the coverage will be…Trump lies on national television, here's how….