>>4245636 lb
Posting anything that strays from muh Q narrative, based on real life and/or accountable actions from real people, is shilling on this board.
It's a cult.
There is no Zuul; there is only Q.
>>4245636 lb
Posting anything that strays from muh Q narrative, based on real life and/or accountable actions from real people, is shilling on this board.
It's a cult.
There is no Zuul; there is only Q.
Thank you Baker.
You just called someone with an independent thought a shill.
And then you say "Is telling people to think for themselves cult-like behavior?"
Do you even fire 3 brain cells before you post?
Fucking idiot.
>The clowns hate the Q-Clock for a reason.
Nobody hates the Q-clock, anon.
Everyone but a few remaining knobs thinks that stupid clock is a laugh.
Likely the clowns fall over their chairs laughing at you clockretards.
Sounds from Q that we are shit outa luck, anon.
And now muh Q claims that Trump is going to destroy what little we were allowed to keep but smashing the Fed.
I think you got lost at r/politics.
Your leftard tactics (anger troll? really?) and reddit spacing give you away, fucktard.
>buy crypto!
This is the dumbest advice yet โฆ likely given by some moron who just recently bought crypto and wants to unload it on some other sucker.
Precious metals will be the only truly safe haven.
>And when the BIG day finally arrives
>ClockFag called it!
Fuckit. I'm making my own clock. I want in on the clocknigger high.
Besides, who's gonna say my clock is less accurate than anyone else's?