Anonymous ID: 5233bf Dec. 10, 2018, 2:59 p.m. No.4246447   🗄️.is 🔗kun



The kike you replied to does not think that at all & is hell bent on keeping eyes off the JQ, but is only amplifying the Streisand Effect with each copypasta spam post, to our benefit, Israel being last ,POTUS has to keep the I like Jews & Israel poker face on the longest cuz it's who he's after the most. He had to rub shoulders with the filthy kikes his entire work career & knows they think they can buy their way out of any scrape & buy any politician, & that is where they are failing, POTUS took Adelson's money to keep the kikes thinking he's /theirguy/, but he didn't need that blood money, he took it as I would, why not when you're gonna fuck the kikes hardest in the end, right?

Thi s is by far the best fucking part of this plan & the best plot twist possible to release the US & theworld at large from KIKERY.

Trust the plan, & relax, it took centuries for the kikes to build their empire of usury & fuckery, POTUS & MI & Q team have it all, & are decimating them as we speak, relishing every fucking minute of seeing the kikes squirm as the dragnet of Justice ever slowly creeps up on their asses. Remember Q came TO the chans, and who is the most vocal group to ever denounce muh 6 gorillion? That's right, the chans, they knew it, POTUS knew it, and all the kvetching from our greatest ally will do nothing to save them, as their fate is already sealed

For now I shitpost meme & redpill on the twatter & enjoy trolling kikes in here, lots