Throw out the moneychangers!
The Rothschild-diddlers literally get their power via control of the monetary system. Why do wars always in occur in areas where the country's central bank doesn't answer to the Rothschild-diddler's BIS (Bank of International Settlements aka the central bank of central banks). By the time the war is over, the country's bank answers to the Rothschilds.
Exiting the current monetary system is necessary to succeeding in draining the swamp. If we continue to use their currency, they can buy the swamp back and continue to fund wars and human atrocities. For 1000's of years and 1000's of currencies, the answer has always been returning to the gold & silver standard (bimetallic standard is necessary). Gold and silver have no 3rd party risk and can't be created by humans. A gov't can't go deep into debt if they run out of gold in the vault, therefore would not be capable of destroying future generations and the country itself through debt slavery.
Also, the Constitution did not allow the gov't to create any money that was not precious metals. Therefore the moneychangers created the Federal Reserve by funding Woodrow Wilson (his biggest regret). Since the are not federal (or have reserves), they could swap Treasury bonds for currency. The deepstate coupled with the fed could now print what they wanted.
Using your enemies currency is for dumbasses. Strip the system for what it's worth then attempt to lessen the blow as best as possible for the transition. Confiscate all deepstate assets of those proven guilty of treason, human abuses, and severe economic crimes (EO signed for this).Give it to the treasury to aid in releasing a Treasury coin and Treasury gold and silver backed blockchains. These will be able to convert instantly to any currency weighted in metals.