Anonymous ID: 33a6b0 Dec. 10, 2018, 6:30 p.m. No.4249311   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9414 >>9558 >>9577 >>9701

>>4248457 (pb)

This is true. The Obama Regime sacked not only Generals but any Field Grade officer (Major and above) who failed their "loyalty tests". They were all purged. It goes far deeper than 192 or so General Officers.


As for the replacements ending up in Gitmo … in a just world, yes. They would be tried and found guilty and lose everything material possession they gained through their sell out of America and freedom.


It won't happen though. No one in the Trump admin has done anything to get a handle on it; several of the most traitorous bastards have been promoted even though who are experts at racial division in spite of what Q claims. ("They want you divided…. yet Trump's team continues to promote race-baiters and race dividers).


There are also no plans to reactivate and restore those field grade officers with command experience back into the system which is what would be needed if the system is to be purged of ALL the corruption and reset.


Also, as much as I love Trump he is too enamored with chasing the African-American vote and pandered to the "muh first….". Witness his promotion of "muh first female African-American General in the Marine Corps". That bitch was hopscotched over far far more qualified service members but it is more important to continue the SJW "muh first". Note that the press releases couldn't mention ANY extraordinary accomplishments or achievements of this bitch other than "muh first…."


Nothing much is going to change, African-Americans, even if traitors, are still untouchable in the Trump admin. Disgusting. Which is why he has lost ALOT of his support among the active duty. The "muh first AA female bitch" was a huge red pill for many white guys.

Anonymous ID: 33a6b0 Dec. 10, 2018, 6:45 p.m. No.4249550   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9650


90% of them are ALL shitbirds. The Peter Principle in action. It is stomach churning to listen to the sheep venerate these self-serving syncophants. I never understood the cynicism of the Vietnam vets, but I sure get it now.

I remember when Petraeus was the media darling, even when he referred to men and women in uniform as "inventory".


"….We have gone so far as to shift some forces that just – we don't have enough of in the inventory – which, by the way, is why Secretary Gates' budget addresses these kind of so-called enablers, the low- density, high-demand units –"

Anonymous ID: 33a6b0 Dec. 10, 2018, 6:57 p.m. No.4249726   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Why would a corrupt bullshit MEDICAL company Board of Directors be top heavy with "military and intelligence professionals" ???????????

Mattis in it up to his eyeballs.

Stop being sheep and believing what you are spoonfed.

Think for yourselves.