POTUS has had a focus on "CC" in twats. Any guesses? First it was the two extra C's in "smocking", then Civil Case, and now this tweet w another capitalized CC.
Are they trying to destroy Rothschild hide out? I wish at some point before we are all dead they'd spill the fuckin beans on our actual history and WTF is actually going on. Who set off the underwater nuke or whatever caused the damn earthquake?
Who's setting fires and with what equipment?
Who's up for a Class Action lawsuit against the tech companies for knowingly exposing kids to harmful tech?
Seems Q has pointed us in that direction with other things. With this new study out proving brain damage, and knowledge by tech companies of the dangers, I'd say a lawsuit is in order.
Kek. I'm actually subscribed but haven't watched in a while. Thx anon.