Anonymous ID: 71dffd Dec. 10, 2018, 7:27 p.m. No.4250169   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Gorka is an idiot.

John Kelly at least had a tour as a Legislative Aide while on active duty, and he still was not as effective as he would have liked to have been promoting Trump's agenda to Congress.

Flynn is a great guy with a deep skill set but has less experience than Kelly in where the leverage points are in Congress.

Mark Meadows would be a masterful choice and would definitely set off Panic AND would be highly effective leveraging the chits on the Hill to most effectively get Trump's core agenda through. He is an excellent strategic thinker as well.

Gorka needs to stop fame fagging and STFU.

Anonymous ID: 71dffd Dec. 10, 2018, 7:40 p.m. No.4250361   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Yes. This was a classic choice offered to those who had command of key billets during the Obama Regime. I can give you many more examples.

(a) forge documents and create a back story to hide something illegal, improper and unethical or

(b) refuse to do so and have your career terminated. "You serve at the pleasure of the President".


It wasn't enough just to take away their school slots for follow on professional schools needed for further promotion, refuse to promote them, etc. They also did malicious things like tamper with their service jackets, and place a code in the JPAS system that means "not eligible for a clearance" without any of the legal safeguards and protections that are supposed to happen.


Most of these were our brightest and our best, the majority were combat veterans with commendations for valor, etc and those who sit at the table still today let it happen.


"Learn to play the game, Q?"

Selling out America and your own personal integrity is not "playing the game".

EVERYONE in the IC especially knows about it and no one is doing anything about it.

So excuse me if I refuse to buy the whole "brrrrt FBI/DOJ/State corrupt but the military be white knighting and will save us!"

Such total bullshit. The Obama military (which is what it is) is just as pozzed and corrupt as every other branch of government.

ESPECIALLY "Marine Corps Intelligence".

How big a shitbird do you have to be if the CIA refuses you as the normal follow on billet so they have to invent a "muh first…." slot for you which has a side benefit of putting you in a position where you can fuck over the promotion and talent pipeline of not just the USMC IC for a decade, but other services and the civilian cadre as well? And get promoted by "Drain the Swamp" Trump?

We are so fooked.